urgent help with iodine leaching electronics scrap

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Hi please can some one here help me with a few calculations?
OK First off I have been collecting large amounts of electronics scrap for a few years I have attempted the iodine leach method before on a very small batch and I was using a 7% iodine tincture from the vets but I then read that it would be far more cost efficient and effective if I used 99.9% pure lab grade iodine crystals and so I went ahead last week and ordered everything I would need listed below
2x30 litre buckets with taps
iodine crystals 500g
90% lab grade pearl strength lye 500g
sodium hypochlorite 14/15% 5 litre
plastic mesh bucket (for placing gold finger boards ect..)
air pump
ph/temp meter

Now for my question can anybody tell me how many of the iodine crystals i will need to mix with how much of the lye water solution and then to how much water to produce a 25litre leaching solution???
And how many finger boards approx would this leach at one time i think last time i used 1 part ore(fingers) 1 part 7% iodine 10 parts water also anyone got any good links for more detailed info on this form of leaching thanks

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