What is Clorox?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Not being from the U.S we don't have that brand here. My instincts tell me it is a type of chlorine bleach and i dont think steve says in his video.
hrushi said:
Can I make Sodium Hypochlorite from Sodium Chlorite
I have 80 % pure Sodium Chlorite
Thank You
it depends liquid form or powder form if it 80% lower the value The free acid, chlorous acid, HClO2, is only stable at low concentrations. Since it cannot be concentrated, it is not a commercial product. However, the corresponding sodium salt, sodium chlorite, NaClO2 is stable and inexpensive enough to be commercially available. The corresponding salts of heavy metals (Ag+, Hg+, Tl+, Pb2+, and also Cu2+ and NH4+) decompose explosively with heat or shock.

Sodium chlorite is derived indirectly from sodium chlorate, NaClO3. First, the explosively (ONLY at concentrations greater than 10% in atmosphere) chlorine dioxide, ClO2 is produced by reducing sodium chlorate in a strong acid solution with a suitable reducing agent (for example, sodium chloride, sulfur dioxide, or hydrochloric acid). The chlorine dioxide is then absorbed into an alkaline solution and reduced with hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 yielding sodium chlorite.

:The main application of sodium chlorite is the generation of chlorine dioxide for bleaching and stripping of textiles, pulp, and paper. It is also used for disinfection of a few municipal water treatment plants after conversion to chlorine dioxide. An advantage in this application, as compared to the more commonly used chlorine, is that trihalomethanes (such as chloroform) are not produced from organic contaminants. Sodium chlorite, NaClO2 also finds application as a component in therapeutic rinses, mouthwashes, toothpastes and gels, mouth sprays, chewing gums and lozenges, and also in contact lens cleaning solution under the trade name purite. Under the brand name Oxine it is used for sanitizing air ducts and HVAC/R systems and animal containment areas (walls, floors, and other surfaces).

Sodium chlorite is also promoted as a miracle remedy to fight many diseases. After mixing a 28% sodium chlorite solution with a citric acid solution (activator) one becomes a "Miracle Mineral Supplement".[1]

In organic synthesis, sodium chlorite is frequently used for the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids. The reaction is usually performed in buffered (with monosodium phosphate) solution in the presence of a chlorine scavenger (usually 2-methyl-2-butene).

Recently, sodium chlorite has been used as an oxidizing agent to convert alkyl furans to the corresponding 4-oxo-2-alkenoic acids in a simple one pot synthesis

dont be careles with it be safe :twisted: Sodium chlorite, like many oxidizing agents, should be protected from inadvertent contamination by organic materials to avoid the formation of an explosive mixture

Sodium chlorite is a strong oxidant and can therefore be expected to cause clinical symptoms similar to the well known sodium chlorate: methemoglobinemia, hemolysis, renal failure[3]. A dosis of 10-15 grams of sodium chlorate can be lethal.[4]. Methemoglobemia had been demonstrated in rats and cats [5] and recent studies by the EMEA have confirmed that the clinical symptomatology is very similar to the one caused by sodium chlorate in the rat, mouse, rabbit and the green monkey [6]

There's only one human case in the medical litterature of chlorite poisoning.[7]. It seems to confirm that the toxicity is equal to sodium chlorate. From the analogy with sodium chlorate, even small amounts of about 1 gram can be exptected to cause nausea, vomiting and even life threatening hemolysis in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficient persons.
butcher said:
good job Lala.

bleach is easily available and cheap.
thanks butcher well just think if he dose have 80% deluted in hot water comon chemicals that are use in mi job janitorial supplies i use this i should take some next time it will be easy for me most of the chemicals im using were giving to me if you tell your boss whats for lol the boss laugh at me when i told him what i was doing but he still gave them to me the only thing i need to get is sulfiric acid wish i know is drain clener i just need to get the right one right know im going more torc the cell to see what is esir for me
I'm guessing you are asking about concentrated sulfuric acid, drain cleaners, try hardware stores, read the labels, the jug will almost always be wrapped in a plastic bag.

Steve's concentrated sulfuric cell would be an excellent choice for gold plated pins, I have to admit I built a cell to his instruction, but have never used it, so I will not be any help there.

if you use janitorial chemicals get the MSDS for them find out what they are made of, be careful as many times nowadays company's do not sell pure chemicals, making up there own mixes, and somtimes they have things in there you will not want, be very careful of what chemicals you mix, as you posted, some of these can be deadly or explosive with metals, we have to have a good understanding of what we are doing, a few dollars of gold is not worth your life or the life of loved ones.
butcher said:
I'm guessing you are asking about concentrated sulfuric acid, drain cleaners, try hardware stores, read the labels, the jug will almost always be wrapped in a plastic bag.

Steve's concentrated sulfuric cell would be an excellent choice for gold plated pins, I have to admit I built a cell to his instruction, but have never used it, so I will not be any help there.

if you use janitorial chemicals get the MSDS for them find out what they are made of, be careful as many times nowadays company's do not sell pure chemicals, making up there own mixes, and somtimes they have things in there you will not want, be very careful of what chemicals you mix, as you posted, some of these can be deadly or explosive with metals, we have to have a good understanding of what we are doing, a few dollars of gold is not worth your life or the life of loved ones.
thank butcher i see what you mean thats why i dont feel it to hard on the wast sins i dont pay for it but i should be careful just about an hr ago i felt i was dieing it seem that silver reacts quik with nitric acid verry quik i was ou of mi shed real quick this is an expiriens :lol:
this will damage your health if you live through it.
work with these chemicals outside never in a shed, unless you have a proper fume hood.
in fresh air you can avoid these dangerous vapors.

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