Where did my gold go?

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2002valkyrie said:
To everyone reading this post,
I have researched all my options and though many of you have offered good advise, I have decided to take some and handle this blunder through the private messaging route in hopes that I will not only resolve my problems but also learn a little more in depth as well as hopefully gain a friend. I will hold back my posting until I can post in full my route to recovering my pm and also refined it as I intended to. As for the intellectual that is helping me, they must authorize me to disclose their identity.
Until I post again, Thank you all for your concern and advise.

Well it has happened... I found my gold. :lol:

It took a little while as I went ahead and spent the bucks and purchased Nitric Acid $114.00 / 2.5 liters. I will save the work around methods till after I have refined myself to a second nature.
I have permission to tell everyone here that it was Harold V. that held my hand and tutored me, we used Hoke as the handbook (Bible) for this study. I know it took 12 full days but all my gold was recovered and I have learned so much my head hurts. I am ready to start my second batch and this one will be by the book (HOKE). As everyone here already knows Harold is a very good teacher and though he tells it like it is, he is a friendly one also. SO if he says something you don't like or rubs you wrong, step back think it through, you will more than likely see he has a good reason for what he says. :oops:

Thank You Again Harold V. I hope it wasn't too bad an experience.
Thanks to everybody for making this forum the greatest!
My pleasure, 2002valkyrie, although you reaffirmed my hunch that it's very difficult for those that are learning to not get creative and make decisions that are counter-productive. No matter, you landed on your feet. My hat's off to you!

I have a very straight forward approach to gold refining. I use a method that is known to work, and work well. It may or may not be the fastest or easiest, but it is a sure thing.

I learned it all from Hoke.

This is to the both of you, Valkyrie you chose a fine tutor.

I have never met a machinist that was not “old school”, it is a dying trade with computerization, but it requires a meticulous mindset when you are not just punching a keyboard.

Old school teaching can seem abrasive to many of the newer generation, it is their loss not understanding the value of this method of teaching.

This old school mentality still persisted in Germany when I lived there and it required 6 months of school to be allowed to flip burgers at McDonalds. While I did not feel the need for such with a burger, tell me of a product out of Germany that is not considered quality (this may mean more to machinists).

The value of a trade, the apprentice, and the respect required of elders with vast knowledge has been lost on the masses.

It is a joy to hear you understood this and took the high road.
Here is a picture of the elusive gold that I learned the hard way with. This should give this thread the proper closure. I will be selling the button it weighs 32.4 grams = 20.8 dwt = 1.04 ounces.
Very nice indeed!

Seeing the color leads me to believe you cooled the button slowly playing the torch a bit since you have grain on the edges but no piping.

Way to go!
Thanks for the complements ya'll (Alabama) but as I said in my postings. I had help from a very seasoned veteran who I owe more than a simple thank you. It is my wish to show Harold my appreciation through much success and hopefully one day be able to pass along the favor in his name as he did in Hoke's. His name is certainly well known in my house...

On a positive note. :arrow:

I have been able to replicate my success with 2 other buttons. 8) Man I need a buyer... So I can do it some more! :lol:
:!: Addicted, I am :!:
Well done Valkyrie!

Your success is a testimonial to how this board and the Harold can have a positive out-come to a bad experience if listened too.

I'm sure Harold feels a new pride knowing that there are new-comers that are willing to listen to tried and true methods and follow these methods to the letter. By looking at your button, I'm sure Harold feels a certain accomplishment from your success. I hear he likes Canadian Rye Whiskey "Crown Royal".

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