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metalfish AR

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
I just refinied a couple small batches yesterday, all gold plated pins, and when I went to filter it my solution looked just like dirty motor oil. The other one came out looking like a light brown "lobster bisque" and I don't know what or if I did something wrong. This and my last batch just didn't come out right and my first one I was successfull, I dont understand.

I used muriatic acid and this stuff called subzero from shor international, I heated everything like I was supposed to on a hot plate, let it dissolve etc...

The solution does test pretty positive for gold content but it didn't come out that amber green color like it normally does. It is just filthy dirty.
Wondering if anyone can give me any insight??
Hey Cuban vampire.
Your solution is saturated with base metals.I hope you didn't run those really big pins.You need to start by dilluting your AR with some clean muratic and neutralize the nitrates with the urea.Only add about 20% more of muratic,that should be enough(1000ml of solution-add 200 ml of Hcl).If you cannot get your gold to drop after diluting then it may be "bonded" with the copper in solution.Then you are in trouble.I can help you from there,but lets start with trying to get it out this way first.Also I meant to tell you to pick up a fan at walmart.You can put it on one side of the hotplate and blow the vapors away from you.And grab an extension cord too......lmao_OH I almost forgot,check if that hot plate is small enough to fit inside of a 5 gallon bucket(I think it may be a hair too big) but if it wont find a plastic tub that you can put it inside of in case you have a boilover.And make sure you keep ot off of the bottom by placing it on top of some type of large plastic bowl.This way if you do have a boil over,all of your chemicals will get caught,and they won't get all over your hotplate.
Thanks Johhny! Cuban Vampire, I like that! I am going out right now to do what you said and will let you know what happens. Thanks again for the suggestions and talk to you soon.
Johhny, if your still there...after I have done what you instructed with the acid (i filtered it numerous times with the coffee filters and the container looked like there were tiny pieces of hair growing in it...weird, huh? I didn't know if that could be from the filters or what. It wasn't actually hair, just looked like it)
anyways, after I do what you instructed do I use the glass container to precipitate?
Don't do anything! I'll come over in a couple of hours.The "strings" sound like sodium crystals forming,but I will need to look to verify.

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