Here's another patent on the subject, #3367874.
This patent's purpose is to mainly speed up the dissolving of base metals in nitric acid. He uses 80/20 nitric acid, or higher. He could have gone faster if he had started with 50/50 nitric or, added a little heat, but, I guess he didn't think of these things.
The speed of the dissolving was increased by adding small amounts (about 1 gram/liter) of urea and sulfamic acid. In the chart, it also mentions using urea alone. Sulfamic acid is a fairly common white powder and, as far as I know, it is fairly inexpensive. Like all of the things we use, it has it's dangers - read the MSDS. I have used it a lot. An old Bureau of Mines Report of Investigation used it to dissolve silver solder from jet airplane flaps. It was used electrolytically, like strong sulfuric but, safer. I can't remember how much silver is on a set of flaps but, the number, several 100's of ounces, sticks in my head.
At page 2, lines 37 thru 46, of the patent, it says that the "evolution of oxides of nitric is substantially prevented". To do this, it would have to perform the same function as the hydrogen peroxide. This is sort of an afterthought in the patent but, for us, it's the only important thing.
To me, the H2O2 patent, discussed in the above posts, is not very practical. The more I study it, the more I think that heat will decompose the H2O2 very rapidly, no matter how much glycol or other preservative is used. And, a lot of heat is generated by the dissolving action. I think you will need enormous amounts of, not cheap, 35% H2O2.
Were I you, I would play around with urea, at about 1 gram/liter ( the patent says from .05 to 10 gms/liter), in the following solutions: aqua regia, 50/50 nitric, and HCl/sodium nitrate. Watch and see if any brown fumes are evolved. If it works but, not 100%, try to get hold of some sulfamic acid. In the patent, the best results came from using both urea and sulfamic acid, at the same time and of the same strength. Also, since these chemicals speed up the reaction, you should watch the acid additions and metal additions, in order to avoid foamovers.