Growing silver

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Since being on here I have learned a great deal. From all on here. I was also able to my hands on the hoke book thanks to all of you on .which is helping to understand this field a great deal more. Though I am not a chemistry major. I educated in mechanical engineering and thermodynamics. So please bare with me I am a fast learner .and will be done with the hoke book by the weekend. If anyone can recommend another book I can learn from please enlighten. Thank you for your patience and support..
FrugalRefiner said:
I believe this thread is destined for the Rogues Gallery, but since Göran was the first moderator to post on the thread, and he provided a warning to the OP, our protocol is to allow him to follow through.

I'm not close minded. Grind up some bottles and process them as these guys describe. Then show me the gold and I'll be a believer.

I seen that and that I think is BS, you can look at the guy and prove he's full of it. Now, if the glass was made from ocean sand. There is a possibility that the glass itself when made contained a minute amount of gold. That they simpley extracted.
But I stick to the reasoning that instinct is a power thing and that our lust for precious metals and gems holds a secret. And no I do not think the onanoki are coming from some distant planet to steal all our gold. But there's more to it than just beuty. It has a deeper purpose, whatever it may be.
Dear Mr Falcon,

We have tried to put this as nice as possible but you persist with your secret powers theory. I'll make it simple, we talk about refining here, if you want to talk about alchemy go find an alchemist's forum. Until it is a proven science it will not be discussed here, period.

If you continue to post on this thread, your membership will be suspended pending a vote on your banning by the moderators. You are welcome to talk about the refining topics discussed on this forum, not alchemy and I am quite sure you know what I mean by that, your choice.
4metals said:
Dear Mr Falcon,

We have tried to put this as nice as possible but you persist with your secret powers theory. I'll make it simple, we talk about refining here, if you want to talk about alchemy go find an alchemist's forum. Until it is a proven science it will not be discussed here, period.

If you continue to post on this thread, your membership will be suspended pending a vote on your banning by the moderators. You are welcome to talk about the refining topics discussed on this forum, not alchemy and I am quite sure you know what I mean by that, your choice.
Uh, ok I wasn't referring to alchemy. I was just saying that just like uranium and plutonium that precious metals may hold some secret not yet discovered by SCIENCE... Why is that so bad.
Desire has led to mankind's greatest discoveries, and precious metals are deep seeded in the minds of man. So through this intent lust for precious metals May be leading us on to some revolutionary discovery and may be discovered by someone here as a New refining attempt or mistake. Again I'm not promoting alchemy here just simply saying that like our lust for unlimited energy gave us atomic energy. Or lust for precious metals might do the same.
4 metals I wish you would really stop twisting my words and making them something they are not.
If I get banned that would suck, because I've learned a lot from here and still learning. But for you to bully me for the second time is unacceptable by my standards!
Please stop all of ..this is not my intent on starting in fighting amongst you guys. I did not find this forum by chance . It was recommended to by a number of mining companies and chemical lab. Quite a few I fact. When I started my research into chemistry. And reclaiming precious metals. I stated calling up mining facilities. And lab corporations For supplies. When I started building my lab . I do believe in science . For I am a scientist at heart.
And I have started to perform parlimitary experiments with silver and copper. And I do follow a scientific method of approach. And when ever I had a question I would go to ask one of my suppliers. The majority said I should consult this forum. So far I see very talented people on here. So please let's stay focus . And not let emotions over take . And stay on a scientific mind . And think analytically. I find chemistry Immensely fun, and intriguing . And wish to learn all that I can. And if that mean crush up glass and throwing it Ina microwave to see what happens so be it. I am not here to just make money ..... I AM here to learn. Both old , modern , new . And maybe even discover a better way of doing things. Please help me achieve these goals . Or am I aiming too here?
Hi Ren,

I for one appreciate your attitude of being here to learn measurable, repeatable, quantifiable science. There are a handful of rules on which the moderators take a hard line. Doing so keeps this forum a respectable, reputable forum.

I don't believe anyone is lashing out at you or attempting to ridicule you in any way personally. My suggestion is not to lash out in return, as ultimately this would not be to your benefit. I can see you are feeling a little offended but I promise you it is only the subject you presented that is unwelcome. You were obviously not aware of this when you arrived, but now you are.

And yes, the topic appears to have become lost in 'The Rules' during a recent site upgrade, along with some other rules I feel certain once existed.

Do take a step back and enjoy your stay. Welcome to the forum.
Wow--since my first reply, this post has both grown and gone nowhere. I was hoping it would go something like this:

"can I make silver from copper, and if not, how can I get pure silver?"
"sorry, no alchemy here"
"okay. so about that refining...."
Which is how it should go.

Locked, and lesson learned. Back to a zero tolerance alchemy policy.
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