Some silver-mica wafer capacitors!

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Supporting Member
Jan 17, 2022
Found these in the broken Sony telecorder we had in the attic. Tested the metal strips between the mica, and it proved to be absolutely pure silver. No color whatsoever in the solution when some strips were dissolved, and a heavy mat of AgCl dropped instantly when salt water was dripped in!

These have A LOT of silver in them. The foils are THICK. Plus, the connector that wraps around each end is ALSO silver. I estimate between half a gram to a full gram of silver per capacitor (depending on the capacitance rating of each). Some had many layers and were noticeably heavy in the hand! The core with the most layers, after the plastic was removed, weight a full 2 grams!

Here's a pic of an intact capacitory and two different cores from others, plus a test tube with the silver chloride recovered from dissolving the metal foils from a core in 50% nitric and dropping with aqueous NaCl.


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Oh, also found out what broke the telecorder in the first place. Apparently it had been repaired previous. A wire in the main bundle had been spliced and soldered. BUT, the solder was clearly the wrong type, with a very different resistance than the wire. The splice was also NOT wrapped in electrical tape when the bundle was reassembled, though that wouldn't have mattered given the fault the solder created. It heated up so much it melted through two other wires in the bundle, causing a short.

Clearly, this machine was repaired by a novice who didn't understand the issues with resistance, insulation, and how to properly splice a broken wire.

I'm a MORON with electronics and even I know that! lol

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