how much pm is in a average computer?

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I recently saw a program on the Travel Channel that answered that question. I think it was called "World of Gold", or something like that. I'll try to look into it more. I seem to remember 3 oz/ton, but that might be way off.
I just read in a google book that I posted a link to that stated

Dismantling electronics to remove bus bars, steel cabinetry, and heat sinks leaves a product that contains ... (70g/ton) gold.

So maybe that means that the gold content might be around 70g per ton of circuit boards. It seems that the market price on truck loads of circuit boards is a reasonably fair price (see Now if only I could get twenty tons of cicuit boards ;-)
i believe there was an answer to that question in one recent post. a link to something like .0016 lb. au content from a seventy pound computer. if you are looking into recycling gold from e-waste, and cant readily find old 286, 386, 486 cpus, i would say look into gold plated connectors. IE: printer cables, rca cables. these items are readily reverse plated. good luck and happy hunting.