
Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
Yellow Brick Road
I've been cruising this forum for a couple months now and figured it was probably time I should properly introduce myself . I'm a 47 year old male with two children off to college and a lot more time to myself . I've been recovering and refining gold from electronics for a little over two years now . I get a lot of material off of e-bay , but lately its been harder with prices being overbid , but you can still get some good deals every once in awhile . There is something about gold that fasinates and makes me want more !!! So far I have refined over seventeen ounces using mostly poor mans aqua regia . Those of you that have been doing this for a while knows what a whole lot of electronic scrap it takes to get this much gold . One time on e-bay I bought 37 pounds of pentium pros . That was a good bit of gold that came out of that , but also a lot of work . I have done very well with the much older electronics and I hardly even fool with the newer stuff anymore, but the old stuff is increasingly harder to get or find . I will post pictures of my stash whenever I get my camara back from my kid . Before I sign off I would like to thank all the forum members and the kid ( Noxx) for all there valuable imput and informative posts . I feel like I know a lot of you guys and its good to be around people who share the same interests. (Gold) !!!!!
Teabone. Glad to see you like the forum. I've seen you around a bit, just figured you would jump in when your ready. Sounds like an interesting hobbie you got going their. I have been learning all this myself. I hope like me you can see the many benefits of the various systems these gentlemen employ here besides AR. I'm not against it. It has it places. It's just i notice that most new beginners seem to go straight to AR for some reason.

Got any questions just ask. How does your profit turn out on these chips ?

Oh yeah buy the way got me some supplies today. Fixing to set up steve's stripping cell.

I started out using soda of nitrate and muriatic acid ( poormans aqua regia) Its fairly fast and does a good job of dissolving base metals and gold and at the time it was the only way I knew of , and I could'nt get real nitric easily . On the chips , I probably had invested a grand, counting the chemicals cost and what I paid for the chips . On that particular batch I netted about ninety seven grams .
what is a grand ? OMG :shock:

Yes, it's a thousand.

Yes nice proffit indeed. :wink:

Spanish #'s

1. uno
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
mil is spanish for 1,000

1000 = mil ( The specification of the coating application is ± 1 mil ) 1000 mil = 1 inch

Huuum funny.

Noxx said:
Muy bueno.

Don't forget that I went to Cuba 4 times :roll:

Make it 5 now. What you going down there for Noxx ?
I mean who goes to cuba on vacation ? :shock:

Have a safe trip. How long will you be gone. A week ? Bring me a cigar back. :lol:
Lol Aflac...

I'll be gone for two weeks.

Of course, I'll bring you back a cigar. Not a cheap one... Does MonteCristo do the trick ? ;)