New search page for finding posts!

Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
Noobs and Refiners All,

I finished a small web page to assist us in finding information on the forum quickly.

You can check it out on my web site:

The link for the new search page is about halfway down the main video site in between the videos and the documents sections.

Here's a direct link for those of you who have problems finding it:

Improved Forum Search Engine

I built the page using GoogleBot's Advance search criteria.

Ralph, I hope it doesn't creep you out too much having that bot around all the time. :lol: I figured if the bots are going to index the forum for us, we might as well get the most out of their efforts!

Let me know how you guys like it and if you have any suggestions please post them here.



P.S. :Noxx, I tried to sticky this and can't find the function any longer. I'm using subsilver2.
Looks good Steve my only objection is that you're capitalizing by leading GRF traffic to your website hosting your donate button.
gustavus said:
Looks good Steve my only objection is that you're capitalizing by leading GRF traffic to your website hosting your donate button.

I'm also paying the bill each month to host the page on my site. Last year I had less than 10 donations totaling less than $40 for all ten, so I'm not really making a killing on the donate button. :roll:

The hosting for my site runs $69.50 a year plus the design time I have in it.

lazersteve said:
Ralph, I hope it doesn't creep you out too much having that bot around all the time. :lol: I figured if the bots are going to index the forum for us, we might as well get the most out of their efforts!

I'm just worried about turf wars. What happens when the Google bots and the ask jeeves bots start fighting over territory. Blood could be spilled. Think about it. You sign on to the forum and your looking at the daily post, reading threads, and sipping a cup of coffee when blam :!: Out of nowhere you catch a stray bullet. Next thing you know your facedown on the keyboard with coffee everywhere and your cat's looking at you funny. No sir, that's not the kind of world i won't to live in. I've seen these things spiral out of control before. Watch you back that's all i'm saying.
Now I am concerned about them bots.

Steve tried the search engine, I like it, looks like regular google search for the forum,
but I have one major complaint, while I was at your website, I watched your casting in grafite video, a great video, but at the end you dumped it in the bucket of water and that was the end of the video, my complaint I never got to see the ingot :cry:
Butcher said:
I watched your casting in grafite video, a great video, but at the end you dumped it in the bucket of water and that was the end of the video, my complaint I never got to see the ingot :cry:

Here's the 39 gram ingot:


Jim said:
That ingots awesome. Do you have any pictures if him
with all his brothers and sisters?

I sell or trade most all of my gold as it is processed. In fact, the one in the photo was traded for Platinum the day after the photo was taken.

They are all so pretty so I try not to get attached to them. If I did, I would never get rid of any of them. If my wife had her way, they would all be made into jewelry!

I know that you can't get too attached, but it would be nice if you could save a good amount. I vow that the next time I hit 31.1g I
am going to try to make it into shot to match the rhenium and
ruthenium samples I have. And then work on the other PGMs I am
missing in my collection, so I can have an ounce of each.
I knew it had to be pretty the by way it was melting in the dish in the video. thanks for the picture it made my day.

now if them bots would just leave while I am having my coffee.
jimdoc said:
... then work on the other PGMs I am
missing in my collection, ....


I may be able to help you get some of the PGMs you are missing in your collection.

PM me what you are after.

lazersteve said:
jimdoc said:
... then work on the other PGMs I am
missing in my collection, ....


I may be able to help you get some of the PGMs you are missing in your collection.

PM me what you are after.


Thanks, I was thinking of checking with you or Lou about that. Right now I have been having bad luck lately. First my truck broke down, and last night I sprained my ankle pretty bad. So as it always seems money will be tight. At least until the truck gets fixed, I think
it may be the timing chain and its been way too cold to mess with it.
Next batch of boards I sell I should have some extra money.
Thanks. Jim