40lbs of gold fingers

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Depending on the types of fingers you can expect between 1- 3 grams per pound.

I sort my fingers into three grades: low, medium and high.

If the fingers are missing contact points they are low to medium grade.

If they have a large excess of board material on the edges they are low grade.

If they are fully plated and fingered, closely trimmed with no components they are medium to high grade.

If they are from slotted cpus, memory fingers or very old equipment and properly trimmed, they are high grade.

Standard fully fingered ISA and PCI fingers, properly trimmed are medium grade.


Low grade= less than or equal to 1 g per pound
Mid grade= greater than 1 g and less than or equal to 2.5 g per pound
High grade = greater than 2.5 g per pound.

i am thinking of striping the fingers with gold strip ---extracting the gold with zinc powder and them using hcl-clorox and them smb---what are the
i have gold strip(strong), lye and zinc to extract the gold--then hcl or sulfuric to kill the excess of zinc---