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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. Yggdrasil

    Just a few questions on Stock Pots and Glassware Cleaning

    It is usually quite heavy in HCl or Nitric, so of course you should keep it under a fume hood or vented outside somehow. I can’t see what being careful or cautious have to do with it. You can’t heard the fumes, but you can vent them.
  2. G

    Removing gold from stainless steel jewelry

    ...soak for 24 hrs then the gold should easily be dislodged from the stainless steel and do not use any acids in your garage unless you have a fume hood. You can do the work outside where the fumes will blow away from your or your neighbors. Do yourself a huge favor and read on this forum what...
  3. O

    NOx simplest scrubbing

    ...acid. Wash bottle does not get hot on this scale, not even warm. It is worth considering when refining on bigger scale. Much nicer to the fumehood, hood fan and also for the enviroment and atmosphere :) costs practically nothing. With air inlet, you can get nearly complete absorption...
  4. Yggdrasil

    Fume hood venturi.

    That depends entirely on temperature differences and height. If you get the chimney interior hot enough over sufficient length, it will generate its own draft. But it must be high enough and be kept at high enough temperature over the time it is used, which will cost energy of some kind. So I...
  5. Yggdrasil

    Hi, I’m Skeeter8154

    Sometimes I forget to start at the top again. I stand corrected, but that still opens another can of worms. If there are metallic parts in there they will likely be damaged if the hood is forgotten or turned off to early. So make sure there are no tools or cars in that garage.
  6. Yggdrasil

    Is this mask safe?

    Well things improve over time so uses may change, but for real life things, fume hood is the thing. Nothing else will compare in safety and price over time.
  7. 4metals

    Any good ideas how to process computer scrap big scale

    ...their copper based bullion before shipping. That’s a big deal. All he would need is a good analytical balance and an assay kiln. The existing hood and scrubber would suffice for parting in the fire assay process, and when the time comes the hood could also process slimes. And the good news...
  8. S

    What are my acid fume Concentration %'s?

    It sounds like you are sizing a fume hood system. You are building it yourself? You get to choose your flow through. How big of a blower are you going to use? Less volume of air higher concentration of exhaust gases. You have to size that up, and that means you have to do the math. Tell them...
  9. W

    Just wanted to share

    Thank you; while not what I wanted to hear I will be following your advice and moving it outside this afternoon before using it any further. It is close to two basement windows and in a room I keep locked to keep my little ones out but the duct work that runs to the rest of my house is nearby...
  10. B

    Plz help me...

    ...nights till 12 working at this. Im currently forced to do most things diy but enjoyed the journey tremendously. I made a burner furnace magnetic stir plate and fume hood from basically other peoples scrap. I would seriously appreciate any and all advice that anybody and everybody has to...
  11. T

    Is it worth a hobby refiner to refine karat scrap

    ...of the skill to do it? For reference, Hoke is my bible and this forum is where I improved all the processes I use so far. I have a fume hood and am very comfortable and respectful of the chemicals and processes. I frequently get karat scrap from the usual places and occasionally get a lot...
  12. Elemental

    Is this mask safe?

    ...a layered defense when dealing with toxic/acid gases. Removal and dilution are the preferred method of dealing with acids(i.e a proper fume hood), you can also look at neutralization (there is additional dangers in dealing with compressed acid gases). A mask will protect your lungs if...
  13. malphorian1973

    For Sale Solid Copper Busbars in Ohio

    This right here is why we use a hood, a catch container, and even extra ventilation!!! This could have cost you more than a few gold pins my friend! Glad you are still with us. SAFTY FIRST PEOPLE!
  14. N

    Remove residue from gold plating

    My advice try one piece in AP if that doesnt work try using a lye solution with heat but be very careful that’s nasty stuff so use hood gloves and eye protection.
  15. O

    Removing resin from rare ceramic CPU base.

    ...ferrous surfaces, it will go with air humidity practically indefinitely, regardless of the fact you stop contamining with more HCL. Unless you wipe surface clean, corrosion does not stop :) So, in the design of fume hood, try to make effort to use metal parts only where it is strictly necessary.
  16. Palladium

    Waste treatment system at Gold Refinery

    You should be able to do this in a 5 gallon plastic bucket in a fume hood. Use a drill and a stainless paddle mixer. Mixing and chopping is essiential to break it up and insure a complete reaction. Since you're going to do a double refine on the silver this will be a good learning lesson. The...
  17. giahylxag

    Aqua Regia method with 12-13% Ag _inquart_

    Much appreciate your effort writting such detail explanation! I don't have a source or importer imports Italimpianti products in my country, I may have to improvise some but for sure it seems purely mechanical and not something out of my ability. I will update when I make larger scale experiment...
  18. D

    E-waste scrap in chemical to be processed if this is the wrong thread. My first attempt at processing e-waste was started 6 weeks abo. Before my lab was built, and before my fume hood. I just went into it pretty blind with AP solution. I rinsed it with distilled water, and learned how big of a mistake that was. After doing a bit...
  19. Paul Allee

    Not sure if this is right place we go. Let us assume proper PPE is used at all times and anywhere chemical reactions are mentioned, they would be performed in a fume hood. For material, I plan to collect and manually brake down e waste, and collect or snipe plated jewelry. For chemicals, I will would build a fume...
  20. S

    Fume hood venturi.

    ...will block them off from the room. Even a fireplace without fire in the hearth will create its own draft from warm air in the room. If you've ever been in an old mine shaft the air leaving the portal is very strong breeze. Fume hoods create warm air, so why not go with natural convection.
  21. G

    Back yard Prospecting

    ...for your area. They will be able to tell what the norm for the area is. Mining is hard work, as you've probably guessed by now. The likely hood of striking it rich, is probably thousands to one. You never know when God may smile upon you though. Nobody can tell you where to look, except maybe...
  22. J

    Contaminated Nitric?

    I’m not sure but I think I had some AP on some gold fingers inside the fume hood and then started a batch of silver contacts in nitric the next day the gold was gone from the fingers. I think the fumes for the nitric was absorbed into the HCL and caused my issues. Don’t know if it would go the...
  23. J

    Do different metals dissolve simultaneously, or consecutively in 30% concentrated nitric acid?

    ...plated cup and a very small sterling silver item to 30% concentrated nitric acid (it’s all I can get in my area), which I then placed in a fume hood on a hotplate which heats the solution to about 100 degrees Celsius. I left it on for the whole day (the hot plate runs off solar power), and I...
  24. MicheleM

    Wire bonding gold extraction power transistor

    ...can't get Nitric acid (HNO3) then i would go with HCl ( +little adding of bleach) , both reaction are dangerous, they produce nitric oxide and Cl2 respectively, so you should use safety precautions (like a fume hood, or stay outside using lids and mask) that are well described in this Forum
  25. J

    HCL/Peroxide refining

    Understood I don't ahve any Nitric available on hand. DO you recommend to just boil in HCl then to remove major impurities, then proceed to direct melting instead of the HCl peroxide dissolve I was after? It was only being used in lieu of the video I shared to clear the concept, my apologies...
  26. O

    Snowballs the "backyard" waiting for the another "next week we certainly work it and dispose it" :D Exhaust is nice thing to have, espetially with lye and NOx-es... I have an advantage of the pro-fumehood (altough old, but working as it should), but it is out of capacity for "drum" sized reactions...
  27. A

    Designing a DIY silver cell

    ...and most economical means which could also run without production of nox or as little as possible because I have not yet created my chemistry hood I would like to leave the small street chip style electrolysis and its predecessors I would really like to arrive on something professional and...
  28. Ultrax

    Removing gold from stainless steel jewelry liquation of gold during rapid cooling (when extracting cleared hot metal bases from a mass of lead with a slotted spoon). Work under a hood with a filter, although at temperatures up to 800C, there is almost no lead vapor. After you can make cupellation in a magnesia or cement cupel or...
  29. D

    Help with aqua regia and flux. I need this run to go well so Im reaching out to the Masters.

    It appears that a lot of new posts follow this pattern. I find it concerning that people are actually toying with chemicals and processes that they don't understand could be life altering or fatal. I made a mistake 20? years ago with a vehicle fire that ultimately was caused by a meth lab. I...