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  1. S

    i need an affordable and safe fume hood design for my garage lab

    ...some questions. is there a threshold for when a chemical or gas scrubber is necessary vs when carbon and hepa filters and air flow/mixing are enough and when is that? if a chemical scrubber is necessary how large of one should i create and is there a good template for adapting it to my fume hood
  2. 4metals

    Need a HCN gas detector

    The most important thing for the work area is the CFM flow through the hood. With a 3 x 3 hood opening your minimum flow should be 900 CFM. But generally the major exhaust through the hood is for the person working in front of the hood. For extra safety I would place a spot exhaust duct over...
  3. K

    Looking for an Acid Resistant Paint

    ...there may be an issue is at the edges where the sheets are not coated with melamine - so you may see some swelling at the edges As I said - my hood ran 24/7 with reactions happening everyday so LOTS of steam created from evaporation from beakers on the hot plate everyday all day --- the...
  4. 4metals

    Fume Hood Fan Speed Doubt

    ...intake side of the fan? I believe that may reduce the volume of air the fan can force through the restriction forming the venturi. Once you figure out how to quantify your CFM through the hood, try removing the funnel on the intake side to see if you can increase the CFM pulled by the venturi.
  5. Yggdrasil

    Building scrubber

    I'm obviously struggling to make my point go through, so I made a more complete sketch
  6. 4metals

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    If I were to set up the system as shown above I would run a length of 1 1/2" PVC pipe across the top rear of the hood to make a scrubber pickup manifold. I would add at least 3 tees which reduce to 1" for the pick up tubes to drop from. Each pickup needs a shut off valve so you can throttle...
  7. B

    melamine fume hood build more space? or better air flow?

    I believe the cfm stays the same it’s the pressure that changes , I find my self in a similar situation ( hood is a little big but the perfect size to work in ) instead of two ducts on the top and bottom of the hood , I was going to create a false wall in the back with opening at the top and...
  8. 4metals

    A.I. designed fumehood

    ...The reason you do not scrub everything is size. For effective fume removal, the rule of thumb is 100 CFM for every square foot of hood opening. If your hood opening is 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall that translates into a blower removing 1200 CFM of air. For NOx scrubbing to be effective the...
  9. A

    Welcome In!

    ...precious metals? : What are you looking for in our community? : Advice and guidance How did you discover our Forum? : Google search for “Fume hoods.” I have been looking for a ductless fume hood system, but stumbled across this forum and started learning from members posts. I am now looking...
  10. K

    Fume hood design plans

    IF (the BIG IF) you are going to build a hood out of wood I highly recommend that you DO NOT build it out of painted plywood - build with melamine It does not matter what you use to paint &/or coat the plywood with (including products like Rhino Lining or Flex Seal) the acid fumes &/or spills...
  11. 4metals

    Interested in this Scrubber Design or a Simple Scrubber for Small Scale Refining

    All modern fume scrubbers for refiners scrub the concentrated fumes coming off the reaction and not the entire exhaust of a refining hood. The cfm of a modest 48” Wide hood with an 18” operating opening will require scrubbing 600 cfm. To maintain that airflow the packed section of the scrubber...
  12. 4metals

    I know its expensive but

    Yes you need a corrosion resistant fan but first about this hood. One it is expensive, and 2 it is tiny. What quantities of aqua regia work are you looking into doing? Are you looking to refine gold alone or some PGM's as well? Because the capacity of this hood, for a semi-professional space...
  13. Yggdrasil

    Details of a small aqua regia refinery setup

    Thanks for showing us this. The heater in picture one puzzles me though, what is the purpose on the contraption under it? Or is it a complete assembly where the top and bottom is a part of each other?
  14. Matt “Ducky”

    Looking for an Acid Resistant Paint

    If you’re OK with it, I would love to consult you further on this if you don’t mind. I could send you my design on what I’m wanting to do it’s pretty basic I think it is there’s a lot to it. Thank you again
  15. A

    i need an affordable and safe fume hood design for my garage lab

    I use a 4in inline blower just like the one pictured below. It is attached directly to the top of my hood. These are $30 and move a decent amount of air. I also made it so it is easy to replace when it eventually fails. But I also run a scrubber for most work, meaning the blower is just there...
  16. K

    Need a HCN gas detector detected in "very close" proximity to the air you are breathing in your work space - so I have had mine hanging on the wall just outside the hood about head high & about 2 & a half foot to the side of where I stand in front of the hood & it has maintained an absolute 0 reading at all times...
  17. Ian S

    I know its expensive but

    I am trying to set up a semi-professional space to do AR long term. I was eyeing this hood: What corrosion free fan should I be looking for to go with this?
  18. Yggdrasil

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    What kind of scrubbing do you think of? Bottle train or general scrubber? If you think for the main flow from the hood you need something that leys that volume spend 9 seconds to pass through.
  19. H

    Did build a fume hood out of my old fridge😁

    I had the idea to build a fume hood out of my old fridge. On top a kitchen extractor hood. Here some pictures.
  20. E

    My Plan - New to Refining. I would love a review please.

    Other than these points - how does the overall plan look?
  21. S

    A.I. designed fumehood

    hello gents, i think ive found a really good fume hood design with the help of a.i. im gonna attatch my really bad drawing i waned to share it with you guys and start a discussion around it
  22. 4metals

    Fume Hood Fan Speed Doubt

    I like that suggestion, as any slight resistance where the air is expanding from the compression will force the system to make up the air from somewhere else, in this case inside the hood.
  23. 4metals

    hallo from jivo.j

    ...all of the base metals and are left with a smaller quantity of gold alloy to inquart. In almost all of these cases that I know of first hand, they use cupellation because they have the kiln on hand and working in a hood. Cupellation does volatilize about 10% of the lead used in the process.
  24. 4metals

    Can gas mask prevent acid fume?

    Proper exhaust through your hood will eliminate the need for any respirator while refining. Strive for 100 CFM for every square foot of hood opening.
  25. 4metals

    Details of a small aqua regia refinery setup

    When we set up the CFM for the hoods we base the flow on the full front opening of the hood. When in operation the plexiglass flaps fold down to protect the operators eyes and effectively reduce the opening by 1/3. So the flaps down when operating makes up for the “hole”.