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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. FrugalRefiner

    Can gas mask prevent acid fume? one or more additional flasks or similar containers to make them less harmful. After these gasses are treated, they exit into the fume hood or outside. All dispensing or dosing of acids should be done in the fume hood. That allows the hood to draw away those annoying fumes you're...
  2. Martijn

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    My hood. It is made of plywood coated with boat lacquer and an epoxy trespa sheeted piece of wood as a work bench. It does not like sulfuric. The backplate has a wooden air devider to suck air from the top and the bottom, sliding the back to set the ratio. The curved door with acryl windows...
  3. Yggdrasil

    Las Vegas hit by "Cannibal C.M.E." today!!

    Same in my part of the world, maybe tonight?
  4. Yggdrasil

    Fume Hood Fan Speed Doubt

    What I meant is the compression expansion happening inside the Venturi. There is a compression and speed increase induced by the restricting diameter and just when it comes out there is a pressure drop and speed reduction. This pressure drop is what drives the Venturi principle. One can even...
  5. bloodmoneybullion

    Centrifugal fan installation

    DNYSYSJ Centrifugal Blower Exhaust Fan For Laboratory Fume Hood Ventilation Low Noise 300W 110V I remember seeing the stat somewhere but now I can't find it I wanna say 1450 but that seems really high if the above doesn't link you to it I'll pull the link off my desktop...
  6. S

    FIRST REFINING help me not make some rookie mistakes

    ...up ready to operate i am using a stainless steel bowl, i watched too much sreetips all that is good to hear i am working on building the fume hood next over the next couple weeks ill dive in to those threads and start building ill update when i have more work done i appreciate your input its...
  7. A

    I know its expensive but

    10 usd ain't bad imo, and if you do nice setups you can save a lot of it. I find that fume hood too small that will become like a tiny aquarium you'll want to keep growing till you hit 10000l.
  8. A

    Such thing as a fume hood out the box ready to go?

    This company sells assorted used fume hoods - but just the hoods. Installation and testing are seperate.
  9. 4metals

    Refining with Hot Plates

    ...for income you will need a more permanent setup. Many refiners do this in a properly vented shed or outbuilding. By properly vented I mean a hood with sufficient exhaust and a fume scrubber. Issues you will have to address are heating and freeze prevention. A latex paint on the interior to...
  10. W

    New member Australia

    ...cutlery etc. Looking to then be able to refine the silver and also do some metal detector and panning so will also be interested in gold refining. So far plan to build fume hood and scrubber set as will only be doing small reactions. Thanks all for your contributions of knowledge and experience
  11. Emryst

    Building scrubber

    My bad I saw equipment thread and naturally thought the scrubber fell within that requirement. I mean shouldn't we all be using a scrubber of some sort for our equipment. Is there a way I can move this post or do I have to copy paste it a an new add to the scrubber thread?
  12. 4metals

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    ...the air intake for the blower outside your lab you will exhaust less air from your workspace but the air exhausted from the inside of the hood (where it matters) will give good fume exhaust. This really matters if you live in an area with cold winters where you need to heat the refinery...
  13. S

    A.I. designed fumehood

    can you post the specs on it? i assume its inside the fume hood and with an exhausting fan as a redundancy for fugitive emissions? i also assume you would put a seeing glass over your beaker and the straw in the spout opening and that there is a vacuum pump on the other side out of this picture...
  14. MGH

    Wanted to check my thoughts

    What materials are the hood and ductwork made of? Sounds like you have permission to use it, but you should know that unless they are all polymer construction, the gasses you'll be venting are likely to corrode the system, at least to some degree. A stainless steel hood and ductwork could work...
  15. Master Nater

    Looking for an Acid Resistant Paint

    has anyone else tried the world of rubber coating? i'm just a newbie, but has been great to clean up off of, provides great traction, and as far as i can tell, as turned my entire fume hood into secondary containment.
  16. S

    Steel Blower, Venturi setup

    Thank you 4metals for the prompt response, clarification and additional link!
  17. E

    My Plan - New to Refining. I would love a review please.

    Thank you so much! Ill look into the county and i saw i am able to throw rust as long as it is in small amounts and im 100% sure i ended up with salt water with co2 gas in the test runs. BUT ill look into chem waste programs! Update: my county does it free during working operations. THANK YOU...
  18. 4metals

    Steel Blower, Venturi setup as well. Last resort is 2 45º elbows. The airflow goes into the 12" pipe approximately 1 foot up the pipe and draws with it air from the hood. Basically it is a low efficiency venturi but it works. If you use a 500 cfm blower it is likely the smallest blower you can get away with...
  19. anachronism

    Fume hood design plans

    Thanks. Also if installed correctly, the drain plug would be excellent as a catch pan or a fantastic way to wash it out.
  20. 4metals

    Details of a small aqua regia refinery setup

    Fume scrubbing The chemical fumes are serviced by a 625CFM fume scrubber to treat the NOx emissions, Each of the 2 hoods, which will be seen in the next post, has a series of drops to remove the emissions from the aqua regia reactions through the scrubber. The hoods also have a series of...
  21. 4metals

    Where in Canada or the States can you get Aqua Regia training ?

    ...are those who wish to refine commercially and have an established business to bring in the work. For a hobby refiner or a small shop, save your consulting fee's and put it towards a good hood and scrubber setup. And listen to Shark, he learned his skills here! (is it shark or The Shark?)
  22. 4metals

    FIRST REFINING help me not make some rookie mistakes takes to refine 15 ounces of gold. The good news is the scrubber I outlined will handle your NOx easily but you still need to work in a fume hood. I would start by acquiring a used clean IBC container to fabricate into a hood, that process has been described in links I suggested earlier...
  23. G

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    Just wondering how the electrical outlets hold up in a corrosive atmosphere. Also, as discussed earlier, how about possibly nitrating the cellulose in the wood? Other then that, I agree, a very presentable hood.
  24. 4metals

    Building scrubber

    True. I prefer venturi for drawing air in general hood exhaust and water powered eductors for pulling strong vacuum. I have built systems to transfer acids, wastes, and even liquid caustiic which is quite dense using a recirculating eductor. With an air venturi it is hard to imagine collapsing...
  25. Yggdrasil

    A gallery of home built hoods and fume scrubbers _hood_

    I think I have seen similar but with upside down funnels.
  26. S

    Step by step instructions for AP processing circuit boards

    Is that a plastic barrel? I had one like that that just held a 2 gallon bucket...worked great until I used it in the hood too many times (it lived in there). How does one recover gold from thiosulfate? I know it's completely off topic, but I've still got a bucket.
  27. D

    Fume Hood Fan Speed Doubt

    I understand what you are saying. Right now the intake pipe is 6 inch but I might be able to increase it to an 8 inch. I'll see how big I can make it but unfortunately I'm constrained by a side building adjacent that wall and I don't want to go through the roof. I can make some measurements...
  28. 4metals

    melamine fume hood build more space? or better air flow?

    I just quickly whipped this up to try to make sense out of the sketch One thing this does not show is above the TY where it goes off the top of the page I would increase the pipe size because the pipe needs to accommodate the airflow of 2 fans so a wider duct up there will not cause...
  29. A

    Refining Precious Metals as a Business-Startup _hood_

    Great, you gave me the idea that I could make a fume hood out of a used canister of nitric acid. for a small glass. 4 Metals and Orvi, you are incredibly responsive people. Everything was explained very clearly and concisely. Perhaps that’s why the topic died out - you told everything right away.
  30. S

    melamine fume hood build more space? or better air flow?

    ...only problem i have with a sliding sash is the sash is already 2 piece which means id have to install some kind of channel in the center of the hood and have two separate sashes which i guess itll already have. im limited though on what i can do i built and did all the cuts here with a hand...