aqua regia

Gold Refining Forum

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  1. GolDRoger

    How much SMB should I add?

    I have approximately 1kg of PC2 RAM with IC Chips embedded on both sides. I sliced gold fingers and separated IC Chips. I created Aqua Regia with 375ml of Hydrochloric Acid. and 125ml of Nitric Acid for melting the gold fingers. A day after, I filtered the Aqua Regia and added around 20g of smb...
  2. A

    i don't know if i need to add more smb

    Hello Every one i hope you doing great i have Gold residue from the polishing process i dissolve it in AR and precipitate it with smb but i don't know if need to add more smb to the solution what i should do in this case
  3. B

    e-Waste Scrap Recycling Startup seeking guidance

    Hello everyone, I am part of a startup that is venturing into the world of precious metal recovery from electronic waste. We understand that this is a complex and delicate process, and we are keen on doing it right. We are currently seeking advice and guidance from experienced professionals in...