
Gold Refining Forum

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  1. B

    Reusing Silver Nitrate After Using To Cement Silver

    I am wondering if it is possible to put Silver Nitrate in a cell after using it to cement silver off of copper. Will it be too contaminated to use as the electrolyte in a cell?
  2. B

    Silver cemented off of copper

    Hello, I am new to silver refining and am wondering once I have cemented silver off of copper how do I dry it before melting it into shot?
  3. U

    Gold precipitating agents/methods

    Anybody with experience or thorough testing of various precipitating agents that could help me determine best gold precipitation methods or agents? I have heard SMB is very good, but I've also heard about various other such as FeSO4, Na2S, Ascorbic acid, Zinc, SO2 gas, Activated Carbon. These...
  4. R

    AP Waste Solution will not clear - dirty transmission oil

    Hi Forum, Introductions first as this is my first post. I live in Ontario Canada. I collected old servers and computers for 7 years and spent days stripping them down. I ended up with about 3 lbs of mixed low-grade pins and 3 lbs of trimmed fingers. With the help of this forum and Streetips...