10 Second Process?

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New member
Oct 22, 2020
Hi, extreme newbie and fan off sreetips still in the research stage here...

I was hoping to get some thoughts on the following article which somewhat describes a really fast process using vinegar...which I know to be the slowest. Me thinks some important details are left out due to possible patenting. Thanks!

(I know that board policy frowns on links, but this isn't spamming)

Hydrochloric acid is cheap and easily available and can be made in the lab if necessary, although there is practically no reason I can think of why anyone would need to make their own when almost every hardware store sells it for a couple of dollars a gallon.

Why anyone would wish to substitute the inorganic HCl acid for such a weak organic acid like vinegar that can make up a very weak solution of Hydrochloric acid in situ, just does not make any sense to me, then there is the issue of dealing with waste.

Yes, you may be able to dissolve some gold with it, but I believe it would just be a waste of time and troubles when you can get HCl so cheap and easy and do it better.

People think because you can drink vinegar or that you can eat chloride salts that these would be somehow safer in recovery or a refining process, well nothing is farther from the truth and possibly can be more dangerous as they are adding an organic carbon-based acid to produce a bit of HCl in situ to the solution.
Over hyped with no details. My BS meter just went off the scale. someone at phys.org needs to get an actual chemist to read that "article".

I like the part where "his discovery" that vinegar and an oxidizer only leaches the gold off the circuit board and nothing else. How does it do that? Dissolve gold but not tin, or copper?
I spoke with Steve and loghman years ago when they claimed to have discovered this new method. I also spoke with the claimant for the patent, and as far as I could tell, it was a scam. I may be wrong, but I doubt it seriously.
They were looking for people to give them loads of free information, in reference to where to get vast amounts of gold bearing items, yet could not give any details on this new method. I've tried probably over 100 solutions using different percentages of acetic acid, mixed with numerous other chemicals, and I never discovered anything that came close to replicating what they showed in their video.
"Hydrochloric acid is cheap and easily available and can be made in the lab if necessary, although there is practically no reason I can think of why anyone would need to make their own when almost every hardware store sells it for a couple of dollars a gallon."

Ok, maybe in your country it is cheap, but in some countries it is harder to get and more expensive. HCl substitute is the next best thing and after cementing with copper then iron, you are left with iron oxides which can be easily neutralized and every one knows you can use vinegar + salt as a weed killer.
And what is your statement or question?
Just quoting someone do not bring enlightenment nor insight.
Do you have a question?
Yggdrasil, I believe his statement is the part of his post that looks like a second quote from butcher. I think he just had a problem with the quote system.

After seeing Dave's comment, I see what happened.
Well that is what the edit function is about.

You are not serious about pouring refining wastes on your grass?
There can be a number of bad substances there.
Pouring pure salts and vinegar is one thing, our wastes are a totally different ball game.
Please do read dealing with waste.

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