25 lbs cpu's

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2009
Just want to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge.I used all the techniques i've learned on the forum and squeezed a lot of gold from 25 lbs of ceramic cpu's this week.I still have the lids to process and will definitely use Steve's cell input for those :)
No pics or yield data because the chips were all different,48 grams Au total before doing the lids.There were 120 486's(6lb),4 lbs Pentium/Cyrix/Amd mix with the heavy brazing on the "lids" and the rest were pentiums from the nineties.I used HCL/CL to dissolve the base metals and Ar to dissolve the gold.I've used nitric in the past but it's too expensive now for removing base metals so I save it for Ar.I'm doing 13 pentium pros next and expect around 4 grams more Au from those.

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