a/p solution turn brown

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Nov 26, 2012
is there anyone out there that may be able to answer this ?
why when i add baking soda to my a/p solution to neutralize it does it turn brown i thinking i should know the answer to this but it is not coming to me .....it also is not green any longer just brown

also can anyone say if i was to neutralize the a/p solution could i then use the solution for the Copper sulfate to make sulfuric acid after it has been neutralized just an idea but will it work.
is there anyone out there that may be able to answer this?

Why, when I add baking soda to my a/p (cupric chloride) solution to neutralize it does it turn brown I think I should know the answer to this but it is not coming to me .....it also is not green any longer just brown
The solution is green from copper as cupric chloride (CuCl2) salts, you will also have iron as FeCl3 or FeCl2 which also will give a green or yellow color, as well as many other base metal chloride most of which may not give color to the salt solution, these metals like CuCl2 green, FeCl3 green will turn darker brown when reduced in solution to a lower oxidation state such as CuCl and FeCL2 both of which are brown in color.

mixing these base metal salts with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) NaHCO3 will produce a saltwater solution of NaCl and water(with a touch of carbonic acid H2CO3), evolving carbon dioxide gas CO2, and leaving you with a pile of base metal carbonates, copper carbonate mixed with all of the other base metal carbonates that were involved in the solution...
CuCl2(aq) + 2NaHCO3(s) --> CuCO3(s) + NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) +CO2(g)
FeCl2(aq) + 2NaHCO3 --> FeCO3(s) + H2O + NaCl + CO2

Also, can anyone say if I was to neutralize the a/p solution could I then use the solution for the Copper sulfate to make sulfuric acid after it has been neutralized just an idea but will it work.

copper carbonate heated can be converted to copper oxide which can be made into any copper salt of copper you wish to make it.
ghost666 said:
also can anyone say if i was to neutralize the a/p solution could i then use the solution for the Copper sulfate to make sulfuric acid after it has been neutralized just an idea but will it work.

If your goal is to make sulfuric acid... then the answer is no. There is no sulfate ions in your mixture.

As Butcher said, copper oxide could be transformed into copper sulfate, but you need to use sulfuric acid to do that, and if the copper oxide is mixed with other oxides, for example iron, then I suspect it will leach iron before going for the copper.

Sometimes it's not worth going for the last bit, it will cost you in time and money. Go for the easy parts if you really want to do it. Distill off unused HCl instead of mixing it with baking soda or cement copper on iron to get the copper.

I've never mixed baking soda with copper chloride waste, and I can't see me doing it in the future either. So I have no idea why it is turning brown... garbage in, garbage out is my only comment on that.

thanks guys just trying to explore some other avenues but i now i see it not worth exploring .
again thanks i did not think it was possible .
I know I’m older. My grandchildren say so. I know my thinking is sometimes a little off since a stroke a few years ago. That said, I can not wrap my brain around adding baking soda to your solution. Where did you learn this? Why do I ask? I want to know so I can tell people where to not go for information.

Time for more coffee.
i did not learn it any where and yes it was a ? i put out there when i should have known the difference sorry
i do know how to make sulfuric acid the right way many ways . i was just shooting in the dark at something that
i did for the hell of it i quess i also know how to make my own copper sulphate for the sulfuric acid so like i said sorry for the ? was an off day i suppose and i should also use scientific notion also ...and spell properly as that may be wrong also .
also it was the first time i had ever tried to neutralize a a/p solution why would i ..exactly !
and did not relize what was exactly in it and why it turned brown but thanks to butcher he made it clear now i know thanks butcher
galenrog said:
I know I’m older. My grandchildren say so. I know my thinking is sometimes a little off since a stroke a few years ago. That said, I can not wrap my brain around adding baking soda to your solution. Where did you learn this? Why do I ask? I want to know so I can tell people where to not go for information.

Time for more coffee.
its called expriementing dah!!!!!
When I try something new, I first study the various processes used to achieve the desired result. I then create an instructional flowchart. With illustrations, when practical. I generally know what to expect each step of the process.

What you are doing, in my opinion, is not experimenting. It is haphazardly throwing things together without any idea of what the result may be, or how to recover from the mess you create.

Time for more coffee. This time with additives.

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