A question on quantity

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Hi All

So just to keep you all up to date I got the cell going with mixed results this weekend. I thought I had got the Sulphiric pure enough but when I put it in the cell it did strip the pins well but slowly and the tell tale signs of Copper on my cathode from my stripping basket were there again. In parrallel to this I have been running a number of different AP solutions with a good deal of sucess (so far!).

With a heavy heart I am abandoning the cell, mainly because I have lost my nerve trying to boil off the water from the sulphuric but also because I am not thrilled with using concentrated acid. Don't worry I will be trying to get the gold out of the solution.

Anyway enough rambling and on to my question.

I have a 1 time batch of mostly pins, around 3kg that seem heavily plated. So after reading in the forum that pins go OK in AP i tried it. Needless to say I have 5 buckets on the go, and although slow it is working nice and it is giving my blood pressure a chance to drop.

I have 35% Muratic and 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (that I have dilluted with tap water 50/50) to make 3%. Using steve's method I am doing these in 1l muratic 1/2l HP. The mix seems very active and when I adjitate it really foams up an smells like washing up liquid.

Anyway my first big mistake was not to wash my gold before processing. It came out of an old telephone system and was clearly filthy from the muck that was in my first lot of gold foils. Any suggestions on how to clean this up would be greatly received?

Finally my question:

When I have my gold, having been washed in muratic and water to ensure there is no copper/base metals left (but pressumably other muck). I see in steves vid he pours in a cup of muratic for 3g of gold and then a couple of splashes of clorox.
Because I will hopefully have a good batch to go at what is the best way to process this without putting myself and my gold at risk? Should I do it in 3g batches? My concerns are the heat and excessive foaming of the solution and obviously the fumes. I should say this will ALL take place outside.

Will this clorox/muratic mix disolve anything else into the solution? muck, metals, plastic!!! Should I be trying to get this out before this stage?

OK so now pressume I have avoided droping my Auric acid and not been put in hospital from the fumes.

I have my Auric Chloride solution (gold to muratic ratio defined by the previous step).

What quantity of SMB should i add, and does this need to be accurate? I only have access to the brewery type powdered SMB.

Cheers from the UK


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