Upon learning that I can send in a load less than 30,000 lbs, I want to do it!
My question is where I set my bottom value.
From my reading, it appears that the standard cost to process is around $1.00 / lb, and you only get paid on the copper on down the reactivity series.
So boards with lots of aluminum, steel, etc should be cleaned some first, both to not cost you $1.00 / lb, as well as since you won't be getting paid on the metal.
So a couple of questions...
1) Going by the standard "boardsort" grading....if something is going to fall in midgrade, that is, less populated with gold bearing scrap and more with junk...do you even toss it in? At best you MAY break even on the copper content.
2) Transformers - Worth it or not? I can get .25/lb for them clean, but I'm not sure they'll yield $1.30/lb in copper.
3) What do you do with your junk midgrade/brown board? How about copper bearing scrap? Aluminum breakage?
4) Does it generally work out to toss copper in there? i haven't paid attention to copper scrapping rates in many years. I'm not sure how much under spot the local yard is bying it for.
5) What is your cutoff (and this is personal) for what you will process vs what you trust them to fairly represent and pay you for. Do you trust (your processor) enough to dump in a box of ceramic CPU's? A box of BGA's? 100 lbs of scrap memory? Or do you simply use them as a means to get paid for your scrap (ie, depopulated boards, etc).
6) Finally, are you using statistical analysis of any sort to try to determine approximately what your boards are averaging?
My question is where I set my bottom value.
From my reading, it appears that the standard cost to process is around $1.00 / lb, and you only get paid on the copper on down the reactivity series.
So boards with lots of aluminum, steel, etc should be cleaned some first, both to not cost you $1.00 / lb, as well as since you won't be getting paid on the metal.
So a couple of questions...
1) Going by the standard "boardsort" grading....if something is going to fall in midgrade, that is, less populated with gold bearing scrap and more with junk...do you even toss it in? At best you MAY break even on the copper content.
2) Transformers - Worth it or not? I can get .25/lb for them clean, but I'm not sure they'll yield $1.30/lb in copper.
3) What do you do with your junk midgrade/brown board? How about copper bearing scrap? Aluminum breakage?
4) Does it generally work out to toss copper in there? i haven't paid attention to copper scrapping rates in many years. I'm not sure how much under spot the local yard is bying it for.
5) What is your cutoff (and this is personal) for what you will process vs what you trust them to fairly represent and pay you for. Do you trust (your processor) enough to dump in a box of ceramic CPU's? A box of BGA's? 100 lbs of scrap memory? Or do you simply use them as a means to get paid for your scrap (ie, depopulated boards, etc).
6) Finally, are you using statistical analysis of any sort to try to determine approximately what your boards are averaging?