Your question is not making any sense to me.
What are you putting water into, what solution, which process, what have you done so far to put gold into solution.
The way to learn for now is by reading, reading will help you get better at reading, and it will also help you learn the terminology and every thing else you will need to know to be able to learn to recover and refine precious metals successfully.
Read Hokes book, take your time, do the experiments she teaches, the book is very easy to read and you can do it at your own pace, the book will also teach you the language as well as almost everything you will need to learn to recover and refine precious metals, spend time on the forum you will pick up the language and learn other methods not discussed in Hokes.
Hokes teaches the basic principles and the higher grade scrap, the forum compliments Hokes teachings and goes more into detail with low grade scrap like electronics or ore.
Study the thread dealing with waste, and the other great subjects in the safety section.
In the general chat section read the guide to the forum following the links for the guided tour.
Also read the general reaction list, and welcome to new members.
Then Laser Steve's and other members web sites and videos are helpful to see what you have been reading putting pictures to the words and ideas.
If you read you will not only get better at reading but you also will learn recovery and refining, if you do not read you would probably be better off just learning testing and buying and selling, and forget about refining, as reading and studying is a big part of learning unless you had someone to physically show you what to do.
I understand you having trouble with reading, when I graduated from High school I could not read, but have learned since then by picking up the books that interested me, spent the time to read them at my own pace, every page or book I read I got better at reading, I wanted to learn electronics, well I got electronic books, I did not know what they were saying I did not understand the language, but I wanted to learn so I kept reading, the more I read the more I understood, then magically one day I was speaking the language, and now I can build anything I want to out of electronics, I have done this with many skills, including this one I am learning here recovery and refining of precious metals, so even when I do not understand what I may read here on the forum, or other books on the subject, I still read it I gain some knowledge doing it now and am learning the language, I also know I will understand it better one day as I keep reading.
Heck I can almost understand what our chemist LOU says (sometimes), if I do not, I just keep reading it anyway, I know one day I will understand it.