again a newbie that have done weird...

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2011
Canada, Quebec
you will surely understand that as a newbie (and a french speaking one )many thing can go wrong...

this is what i have done
i have put nano3 in 80degre celcius hot water (about two cup of water and nano3 until it wont disolve)
then i have put room temp 32% hcl at 3 for 1 (6 cup)
i have made a joly withish milk precipitate
i have add 30 amd ceramic cpu i that mixture
it have bubled like hell and make some noX (i was happy telling myself everything was going fine)

now im stuk with a mixture of copper,nickel and gold disolve in nano3,hcl,nitric acid,and probably some nacl

the mixture is green black brownish

i have made some test on the brown liquid without the white precipitate :if i boil it and add hcl it turn green
i also know that it still contain nitric acid because it still disolve copper
but if i put aluminium in it it make a weird beige jelly

also if i add water to my solution( and the white precipitate)it all disolve in one green-honey colored mix with no deposit

should i add water and try to get my different constituent out after????

a little push in the right direction would be apreciate since i should have right now 2-3 gr of gold in this...

thank you
Boy - here we go again. Another batch of 'everything' dissolved in poor man's AR. I should just stand back, and let the moderators handle the question - but let me be the first to advise you to STOP fooling around with the chemicals - put the process on hold - and download a copy of Hoke's book from this site. it!
im reading it right now and to be honest i dont find it of much use ...
it just sound like a ebay copy of how to get gold from scrap...
but now what should i do?
how do i get every METAL out.i understand(i think) that after that i will have to remove copper,nickel,tin in hot nitric acid leaving gold behind.
but my biggest probleme right now is to deal with my unknow white precipitate.
ericrm said:
im reading it right now and to be honest i dont find it of much use ...
it just sound like a ebay copy of how to get gold from scrap...

You won't get far here if you refuse to read the book. Keep reading it, it WILL help you.
ericrm said:
im reading it right now and to be honest i dont find it of much use ...
it just sound like a ebay copy of how to get gold from scrap...
Then you best pay better attention to the book. It doesn't instruct you on dissolving everything without addressing base metals---and it talks about stannous chloride. Do you understand what that is? Do you have *ANY* way of testing the solution you created to determine if it has gold within?

Didn't think so.

You clearly do not understand what you're doing. If you can't see a difference with what you've done and what you're taught in Hoke's book, refining isn't for you. You'll be worthless as a refiner.

Start reading Hoke, and don't stop until you understand what she teaches. If you refuse and expect those of us with experience to hand carry you through the VERY IMPORTANT learning phase, you'll be ignored completely.

When you enter this forum, one of the things that are expected of you is that you will do enough homework that you understand the basics of refining. We make them available to you through Hoke's book. If you feel Hoke's book isn't teaching you anything, there's nothing you can learn from us. It details in the simplest and easiest form, that which you must learn to be successful.

Read Hoke.

One VERY important thing: Do not acquire an entitlement attitude on this forum. We are very choosy who we decide to help, or not. Those that feel they can simply ask questions and not put forth an effort on their part need not apply.

thank to have reply my post ,i guess i will try to get the basic for now
thank you to make me understand that

i will be back when i have some real prob
take care
You don't really need to rush things. There is approx 40 to 80$ worth of gold in 30 ceramics AMD depend on type. Next time try with few - do some test batches and read and read.
ericrm said:
thank to have reply my post ,i guess i will try to get the basic for now
thank you to make me understand that

i will be back when i have some real prob
take care
That's the right approach. Mean time, do not discard anything. Your gold is still there, and may be in solution or in the solid residues. Can't tell without knowing more. We'll be here for you when you begin to understand how you should be processing this material.

i as been a while and i can hapyli said that my gold is back and is precipitating right now
thank you for this wonderfull forum
I am glad to see you getting your gold.

There is alot to learn here on the forum, that is one reason I like it here, you will never learn it all, and learning keeps or brains alive.

You will find Hokes book has many hidden secrets to refineing, seems like every time I read it, I find another refining secret that I never seen before, just like watching a movie for the second time you see things you did not see the first time.
Geo said:
sounds like your white precipitate could be copper chloride if you added water after digesting

I used to get lots of white precipitate when using poor man's AR. I'm thinking it's mostly table salt. Once I switched to tech grade nitric I haven't had nearly the problem with it.

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