am i missing something here???

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 11, 2012
ran across this auction the other day and decided to put in a reasonable offer instead of the grossly overpriced buy it now price listed...

the guy got back to me saying:
"Thanks for the offer, but we are currently paying our customers 2x your offer.
Thanks, American Recycing"

um... someone paying almost $25/lb for slot processors? am i missing something? boardsort is around $10 and i thought that was about the going rate for other places... any other thoughts out there?
no someone is not paying 25$ for slot processor :lol: :lol:
not one buy but many offer
he does not garanty gold content
he remove cpu from the board

the fact that he told you that he buy them 2 time the amount, suggest (to the buyer)that they are in fact 3 time as valuable than what you offered him...scam

this guy is looking for a unknowledgable personne .well that what i think
just like the ebay auction about the under of ns chip "we have remove the top to make it easyer for you", yeah sure...
His scrap auctions are all like this. Last year he was selling fingers for refining. They were either already stripped or just without a grain or speck of gold. He managed to sell quite few lots. I think that there may be something about that here on forum somewhere.

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