Anyone recovering Gallium

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I just found your post about hydrogen fueled vehicles. There are two hydrogen fueled vehicles in the Hendersonville County, NC area ( used to be three, but I haven't seen the other one for some time ) and they are completely self-contained, except maybe for a water source. So - who needs hydrogen fuel centers around the country ?

get the drawing board out
those hydrogen fuel cells produce heat as byproduct, so add on a sterling engine for added electricity to charge the battery :p
back to gallium
Now is the time to get your hands on some while the price is down
there has been a slow down in its use in flexable solar cells.

some one on ebay was selling an alloy he claimed melted in your hand that has no mercury could this be your gallium ?
Burning aluminum is stupid, you throw away something like 1.5V just making hydrogen with it, which itself hardly makes 1.2V. Hook a cable onto that damn aluminum and use it as a primary cell. Then hook up the fuel cell in series and get all the energy you can from that aluminum.

It's still inefficient, messy, hard to maintain and etc. Plus, aluminum can only be smelted where there's an awful lot of cheap electricity -- around hydro plants, usually. Solar won't be cheap enough for a long time to waste it on something as profane as aluminum smelting, but producing liquid fuels is a potentially useful application, especially once petroleum and substitutes get too expensive to produce. There is an electrochemical reaction known to fix CO2 to methanol; if it can be turned at high efficiency and high quantity, we'll have carbon-neutral gasoline with no need for a world shortage of lithium.

probably a dumb question but does "base" mean alkaline or base metal like copper?

and Lou, I checked on the prices and it looks like it is more than I can spend just for something to play with. I don't really know how big of volume 25 grams is or if a gram or two would be enough to see the melt in your hand effect (in a small glass sample vial). $10,$20,$30 I could talk myself into but $114 I would rather spend on silver or gasoline or ???
Amazon sells a little vial for about 12 bucks along with a tiny mold to pour it in.