AP precipitation problem.

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Oct 16, 2011
After wondering around the boards for a few days and watching lazersteve's videos I decided to try to process a "micro" batch of about a half a strip of fingers pulled from an old video card. I soaked the fingers in the AP solution and the next day the foils were stripped nicely. I filtered them and rinsed in HCl (keep in mind at this point there were as few as 20 small foils in solution). After the HCl bath I started preparing the HCl-Clorox solution. I put the foils in HCl and then added some Clorox...the solution started to bubble, the foils dissolved and it turned the solution a very diluted yellowish color (at this point i'm thinking that there is too much HCl-Clorox solution for the small amount of foils in solution..not sure if it matters). I let the solution set for about an hour to make sure all gold was dissolved. This is the point were my problems start. I used "Bonide Stump Remover" as my SMB solution and added it to the solution. It immediately caused yellowish solution to bubble and it turned the fluid a clear color. I looked at the bottom of the small container I was using and I could see a white cloud in solution indicating that all of the SMB had not dissloved. I added H20 and the remaining SMB became soluble. At this point the solution is completely clear with no indication that there are any gold particle on the bottom of the cup. Any Ideas on how to retrieve the gold?
When you said micro you wasn't kidding .You wil never see the very very small amout of gold you might have made.You need to at least do 20 whole fingers to see any gold drop.Sounds like you got the process done right but you need to use alittle more gold bearing material to see any results
First of all, you need to let the Chlorine evaporate, usually by waiting 24 hours or heating the solution, before adding the SMB. Then it helps to dilute the solution with a little distilled water. If you have such a small amount of Gold, I'm not sure you will be able to find it. It is still there, it's just so small you probably won't see it. 1 gram of Gold is a pretty small button, and remember, it can take nearly 1 pound of the fingers to get 1 gram of Gold. If you only processed 1/2 of one finger board, I would be very surprised if you ever find it. I hope you are doing this in a safe place, the gasses can be very dangerous.
For such small amount, the only way to "see" the gold would be with a stannous test & the purple color gold on the q-tip, & this, before adding the SMB. (You should make some stannous testing solution.)
It seems you did the process right, just not enough fingers to see the brown gold dust.

Continue reading & doing searches on the different topics like SAFETY, WHAT TO DO WITH WASTE & so on before doing any more batches.
And yes, better be aware of the hazards of these chemicals & what WILL happen if you don't take the necessary precuations!

Take care!

Since you’re experimenting and try to learn Phil has made a good observation. You need to make some stannous chloride so you will know exactly where your gold is at and if it is indeed in the solution. You wouldn’t walk around in the dark without a flashlight would you? Note: stannous chloride will not work with excess oxidizer in the solution. This includes extra chlorine like you have or extra nitric like with the ar process.

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