AP Setup

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Oct 16, 2011
Hey guys I'm new here. I have spent the past two days looking over the website and I keep getting pretty confused. I have a bunch of old computer parts I'm wanting to get the gold out of (i know its probably not much but its a fun thing to do!). I have a few process questions relating to an AP solution.

1. Would i just add crushed up circuit boards and gold plated teeth into the AP solution, wait 24 hours, filter out the junk, then add the SMB to precipitate out the gold? (or would only the base metals be dissolved by the AP solution?)

2. If there are other metals in the AP solution along with gold would SMB precipitate out only gold or would other metals be present in the precipitate?

3. After I have my gold precipitate do i just evaporate off the solution and smelt the gold?

Sorry for the newbie questions! I have been looking around the boards for a while and couldn't find out myself..i even briefly read through the Gold Refining Handbook.
Ok, that sounds less scary. Here is where you want to start: http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=6873#6873
Also, if you go to Lazersteves site, he has some great videos. One of them is all about the AP process.

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