Aqua regia's reciepe replacement ?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
Well guys am not a chemist so i have just a thought and i dont know if its right or wrong to do , and am asking just to make sure ...

mixing vinegar with salt will surely produce hcl in the reaction in addition to sodium acitate

While hcl is produced , if i add to the mixture any nitrate like sodium nitrate , will such a process make poor mans aqua regia what you think guys ???
I think it is a good way to make a mess, with some gold and other metals dissolved in it.

The solution would be very weak but would oxidize some metals...

If obtaining HCl was such a problem, you could always make your own HCl using salt (NaCl) and sulfuric (H2SO4) and distilling off the HCl gasses into a receiver of water making a fairly pure hydrochloric acid, and a byproduct of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4).

Nitric acid can be made by distilling your sodium nitrate (NaNO3) with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and bubbling the gasses into a receiver of water with a little addition of H2O2, making nitric acid and a byproduct of sodium nitrate (Na2NO3).

Vinegar is a very weak acid it has very little hydrogen ion to do much work, it is also an acidic organic compound, not being a mineral acid...
Sulfuric acid, sodium chloride and a solid nitrate on heat will produce a kind of AR solution. It may take longer than normal for the reaction to start.

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