auric chloride

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Jan 23, 2011
Hello everyone has anybody done this before i was boiling down some auric chloride in pyrex when i wanted to check to see how saturated soulution had become so i dip a q tip in container only to see lime green au/cl change to gold cinnimon color then i realized i must have picked up q tip that i had used to check pour offs from smb/cl from earlier batch that was dry with stanous chloride on it but it looks to me that this droped gold from boiling soulution any ideasIMG00149-20110423-2125.jpg
Just a Q-tip with a little bit on it should not have done that. Was the solution clear before you did it? Was there possibly sediment in the bottom of your container that you stirred up? You might consider getting a cath basin under that hot plate in case that glass breaks.
thanks for input no my soution was green is like the color of auric chloride and also my container was clean but remember my soulution was at a boil when i swabed q tip with tin and smb now this morning my soulution is clear and all my cinnimon colerd mud settled
this is same feed stock i moved to new container cause i realized when i added water 4 to 1 with au/chl it would not fit in same container


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here is q-tip i used to swab pot of au/chl little to know it had already been used with smb/chl and tin/chl to test for gold from pour off


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