Bipolar RF Power Transistors Gold Recovery

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Mar 27, 2020
Helow freinds Let me know please how much gold recovery from 1 kg "Gold Plated Bipolar RF Power Transistors(local market its called " butterfly golden pins")
Thanks for reply. But youtube "archimedes channel" presented that twenty grams gold recovery form per kg "bipolar rf power transistors."
My 2nd reply you may watch the image...!
Id take most youtube videos with a grain of salt...

I have done some test runs on similar RF mosfets, mine had a longer and i believe thicker body... yield was around 3g/lb. As a note, I belive there was tungsten in mine, which I am told can skew your results.

Take the info for what is worth :p

Here is the video link on YouTube play it from 4:00 minute continue.
I made a mistake on my previous prediction instead of estimating the value per kilogram I was basing it on per pound. But after seeing what was in the video it does look like it would be a bit more laden with gold and they appear to be older ceramic parts. However I haven't processed any myself and like mentioned I wouldn't just trust what someone says on youtube (especially if you plan on paying for the material). Not to mention he just says he gets anywhere from 8-25 grams per kilo which is a HUGE spread. Why is the minimum and the maximum so far apart? My guess is he is mixing materials together and is telling you what that mixed yield is. In the screen with those transistors is a bunch of ceramic cpus. Is he mixing those in with the transistors? We just don't know. Personally I think 25 grams per kilo is pretty high. The only way for you to know is to process them yourself. Maybe try a smaller quantity if you have to pay for them. But I personally would not count on getting anywhere near 25 grams per kilo of those.
Thanks a lot friend. I also thinking about this video. But bipolar ceramic transistors per kilo in our country local markets price 30 thousand taka same as USD 350$. So long, I will try some small quantity of transistors.

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