Butyl Diglyme

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
NE wisconsin
I cannot find it in wikipedia, all the traditional chemical supply references have turned up no leads. Anyone have any info on this type of chemical, where to possibly find it, has anyone used it with success?




Several members including myself use BDG aka DBC (Butyl Diglyme or Dibutyl Carbitol CAS# 112-73-2).

Some like it some don't.

It takes some getting used to. Noxx made a tutoral on how to use it that's pretty good. I have lots of literature on the topic as well.


Thanks for the link. I thought I saw something here on it, but could not find it.

steve, Im saving up for both your dvds to learn more than what is on the sites.

I guess I will have to reread every thread again to make sure I dont repeat questions.

Was this a common chemical under a different name in regular hardware stores?

Thanks for all the info

Does BDG work to hold the AuCl3 even when there are other 'lower' metal chlorides in solution? What about if there are sulfates in solution?
Yes, BDG extracts gold even if there is Copper or nickel clorides in solution.
But I don't know about sulfates...

I have several gallons that I can sell. You can use it over and over so you don't need much. I have been using it for several months. It takes awhile to get use too, but you get 99.99 fine when you drop the gold with oxalic acid which is cheap and you can buy from any wine making site on line. I got 37 bls for $35.00.. My phone is 501 941-1426. I paid the smallest amount I could find was 5 gals at $68.50 a gal plus shipping.

Bob Noble
I have been using BM all summer with great sucess. I start with poor mans AR 16 oz,s of water, 32 oz,s of Hc1,a half lb of Sodium nitrate and 32 oz,s of CPU,s with the lids on. If I put in more than 32 Oz,s of CPU,s I remove the lids. I let this set about 12 hours then strain the solution off and delute it 4 to 1 with distilled water. Next I mix equal amounts of BM and the AR soultion in 1000 ml flasks and shake several times over a period of a few hours. I poor the mixture in to fullmer separtor funells and after it settles out draim off the AR solution and then the BM. When I have 2000 ml of BM that has turned dark yellow/amber I wash it with a 4 to 1 mixture of HC1 and distilled water while heated to just below boiling. I separate the liquids again and them add 2000 ml of distilled water and 4 oz,s of oxcalic acid and heat to simmering while stirring. The gold drops out as fine grains and brown mud. I wash this with hot HC1 and then distilled water. Result is 99.999 pure. I have processed over 12 oz,s this way and have sent five to Midwest for 95 percent of spot. Since I have over 200 lbs of ceramic CPU,s to process and I am, 78 years old I am teaching the process to my daughter just in case.

Ferro chemicals, it pretty pricey, not sure of the exact cost, check their website and you can find out. The good news is that for hobby scale refiners you don't need much because it is reusable.

I have butyl diglym (Butyl Diglyme aka Dibutyl Carbitol CAS 112-73-2) as much as 327 kg, this stuff I would sell U.S. $ 24 / kg (negotiable).
If you are interested, can contact us at:

- PIC: Johny
- Email: j.mazer.ichsan @ gmail.com
- YM : ([email protected])
- Cellphone: +62-87883314935
- Fax: +62-21-8505008
- Address: Jl. Otista 3 Komp. 8 No. H 100 13 340 East Jakarta Indonesia
I have used DB with great success. It drops the gold clean and it is easy to get used to. I purchased a 55 gallon drum from Clariant for under $1000 about 7 years ago. Not sure what the prices are now but I am looking to buy another lot of it soon.

Here are some sites to try...


Has anyone tried using butyl glyme (ethylene glycol dibutyl ether) for the same purpose as butyl diglyme? I wanted to know if butyl glyme can be used successfully for gold refining. If yes, where can i purchase that from, any idea? Thanks in advance for any help!

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