Canadian Help Finding Nitric

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Active member
Apr 12, 2010
Ajax, On
Good morning all.

I must first start off my first post (I think) by thanking you all for the wealth of knowledge that you have provided me. My research thus far has been made possible by all of you.

Everything I have read on the forum, in Hokes book, in GoldSilverPro's book and the Forums manual, refer to the extensive need for nitric acid. I have no problem using it or making my own however, in the infinite wisdom of the Ontario government, the Nitric family of chemicals is now on a restricted list. I can still order Sodium Nitrate from Ebay but I am trying to find a cheaper more local vendor.

I am located in Ajax, Ontario Canada. A town of 91000 people located east of Toronto. I have called at least 20 suppliers and chemical companies all of which refuse to sell to me or require 40+ pages of paperwork just to turn around and once again say no. Every American supplier refuses to ship across the border.

If anyone can assist me please let me know. I would be more that happy to share what I know and will learn on this forum and with whomever helps me.

Thanks a lot everyone

Patrick Richards - Comrade Recycling
Well seems you are part of company, so I don't see why they won't service you...

did you try A/K Petrochem ? They re-package to smaller sizes..

good luck

Send all chemical suppliers to hell!!!! can find sodium nitrate as a fertilizer so contact your local fertilizer shop,take off your Armani suit,get dressed like a farmer(with a hat,of course),change your luxury car for a Ford Pick up and get all sodium nitrate you need,remember,tell the clerk that you use it to grow corn with hydroponic techniques.Very important detail:If a woman is with you she must dress like a farmer too.Good luck.

Kindest Regards.

/sigh Well under Ontario law you now must have a Pesticide License, obtainable through a course at Guelph University, to purchase the Nitrate family of chemicals. If anyone has such a license or has some Sodium Nitrate kicking around I would like to buy some from you.
Patrick, I imagine that's just farmer's co-op shorthand for pesticide license = farmer = we'll let you buy nitrate ferts.
Doesnt high nitrogen fertilizer have it? Walmart in canada sells the equate cold compresses that have around 200 grams of amonium nitrate for $4.
I'd like to get some sodium nitrate too for the poor mans aqua regia.

What happens when this sodium nitrate goes through Canada customs?

How about getting sodium nitrate from a butcher? Dont they use it to cure meat?

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