Martijn said:
Welcome to the forum liorst26.
First of all, we are dealing with dangerous acids and toxic solutions that need a safe approach and responsible waste handling. Study and learn to work according safe practices. Know the risks and have neutralizing liquid nearby.
Use nitrile disposable gloves and safety glasses. Always when working with chemicals.
Use closed reaction vessels with scrubber flasks and preferably a fume hood. Or work outside in a clear area. Prevent gases from escaping to unwanted places like your work area.
There are a lot of different components in cell phones.
First learn and study a couple of things before you start buying acids and throwing in stuff thats hard to separate later on.
Scrap the different parts. Separate the ic's from the plated pins and cicuit boards and other parts, use a magnet to take out iron.
Take off all metal pieces, watch youtube for clues how to scrap and where to find valuables.
Dont burn it all at once. There are better ways and less poluting. Different components need different processes.
The most important thing to understand for beginners is solder (tin) is your enemy. Get rid of it in some HCL if mechanical separation is not possible. Search 'tin paste' to understand what other new guys ran into.
Its a lot of fun if you are interested. But recovering gold and other precious metals from phones and other e-waste is not easy. Some parts are some require a larger understanding of the chemistry behind it then others.
To do it professionally on a big scale is another thing. Especially if your employing people.
Lots of information here. Learn to use the search function and narrow down your search results.
A great way to start to learn gold recovery and refining is with close cut ram fingers and the Acid peroxide process.
But start reading dealing with waste:
And a must read for all new nembers:
Desribe your intended steps before you start anything. We will advise or confirm.
Have fun, be safe. Get stannous chloride. 8) test test test.
Read Hoke's book:
I m working of 200 pice of cell phones,,first i remove all parts using hotplate,,then clean bords i put in hcl proxide solution,,,after 4 days i collect the gold foils,,,then i wash the gold foils with water and then wash with hcl to remove copper choloride1,,then put gold foils in hcl,,and heat the solution,,then add nitric acid in 0.5 ml ,,0.5 ml,,,0.5 ml,,,then use some urea,,,filter the solution,,,add smb,,,,gold was droped out,,,,,but solution was not clear after 1 hours,,,i boil the solution,,,all gold was droped,,,solution was clear,,,and then gold start to desolve in solutin,,,in 15 second,,aal gold was gone,,,i add more smb,,,but nuthing drop,,,i use ferrous sulfate,,,but nuthing drop,,,then i put copper pipe in solution,,for some days,,,some powder was droped out,,,but when i melt this powder,,,that is ash only,,,some powder i put in new AR solution,,that was no gold,,,i think i lost aprox 2 gram gold
Then i work on connector and pins of that 200 mobile phones,,,in first bach,,,i burn all connector,,,put hcl to remove tin,,,wash well,,put in ar solution,,,using urea,,using smb,,,but nuthing drop out,,,,,in second bach of that pins,,,i put in hcl for one day,,,then wash well,,,then use nitric ,,,,then wash the foils and plastic,,,some steel in that pins,,,that was not desolve in nitric,,,i remove some of steel using my hand,,,some steel still in that foils,,,i put it in ar solution,,,filter the solution,,,use urea,,,use smb,,,nuthing drop out,,,this time i dont use farrous sulfate,,,,i use copper pipe,,,,i mix both solutions,,,from first bach,,,and second bach of pins,,,and put copper pipe in that solution for some days,,,nuthing drop out,,,copper pipe was desolve in solution in one day,,,then i put new copper pipe in solution,,,,solution colour was very dark black,,,and deficult to filter evry time,,,thik solution
How can i recover my gold
Can i recover gold
Or i lost my gold
Pls help me