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New member
Mar 31, 2009
billings, Montana
Hello everyone,
i have been researching processes of refining gold and leaching the PMs out of ore and i have learned alot lately. but there is still too much that i dont know but im gettin there. Anyway I was reading the section the basement chemistry website on Iodine leaching and it skips from preparing your iodine solution to the extraction of the gold from the pregnant solution, with few in between steps. with this process would I use a saturated salt solution? ive seen similar ideas for leach that use iodine and acid with a SS solution, is this one different? if anyone has anymore info or clarification on the subject i would really appreciate the help. what im planning on using this leach for is ore that was found in an area where there seems to be alot of copper.
by the way this website is awesome and has been most helpful.

-Larry in MT

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