copper and gold sollution

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Mar 25, 2011
i had one quarter pound gold plated copper solid sheet on one side and circuitry and little black square crystals on the other side straight copper in the middle no fiberglass at all just some kind of sand like stuff separated cut into small pieces soaked in peroxide acid now i have a very dark green solution that wont respond to smb anyone have any advise
Did you try testing your solution for gold with stannous chloride? If there was gold there it may well be setting on the bottom of your beaker as a solid instead of in solution, or in your filter paper if you filtered before attempting precipitation with SMB
it is just a pure solution and the color of rootbeer alnost and i know it is just gold and copper i had the gold tested at a treasonous preasous metals refinery and it tested gold and copper only and it completely dissolved no filtering required i hit it with smb and nothing dropped to the bottom
petercar said:
i think i might have a very high copper content will this matter

Weak gold solutions can sometimes be very slow to precipitate, if your sure you have gold in your solution cement it out onto copper sheet and re refine it.
i have some gray and what looks like gold glittering and floating in the solution and i read you should keep adding smb until it quits fizzing is this correct
copper buss bar just let it sit in solution (this is not electrolytic cell) the acid will dissolve copper (oxidation), and precipitate the gold (reduction), here the copper metal loses electrons and gold gains electrons. solution should be slightly acidic. if high nitric content you will dissolve more of your bar.

gold should precipitate as black powder, some may stick to buss bar, a tooth brush will help to brush it off.

copper or base metals if in much quantity will almost be impossible to precipitate gold from, this is why removal of base metals prior to dissolving gold is preached here.
petercar said:
i think i might have a very high copper content will this matter
I'm at a loss to understand why you haven't mentioned testing with stannous chloride. Until you do, and know if there is gold in solution, or not, you really should stop bothering readers with a question that only YOU can answer.

How about it, readers, is there any of you that don't understand the importance of testing with stannous chloride?

Harold_V said:
petercar said:
i think i might have a very high copper content will this matter
I'm at a loss to understand why you haven't mentioned testing with stannous chloride. Until you do, and know if there is gold in solution, or not, you really should stop bothering readers with a question that only YOU can answer.

How about it, readers, is there any of you that don't understand the importance of testing with stannous chloride?


I wouldn't be where I am without the ability to test. Or at least that is what my last 26 oz I melted this week told me.
I'm sorry i have tested it and it comes dark brown almost black in color on test and i put alot of smb in and i have what looks like black powder and white crystals in it and i tested it again and it is lighter in color should i pour the liquid of and refine the solids at the bottom with peroxide and acid again
peter, you could be getting a false positive from SMB, at this point it is hard for me to tell, cement on copper, anything valuble will come out of solution.

You really need to do more research before proceeding further, first thing to study is dealing with waste, as you have some dangerous stuff on your hands now, forget about getting gold, work on getting the education, the gold will follow that, without that you will just be wasting time and money.


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