Copper Nitrate to Copper Chloride?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2011
Hello all,

I have about 30 gallons of saturated copper nitrate, and I'm hoping to convert it to copper chloride to use in AP cells. I know it's possible, adding HCl to copper nitrate causes it to turn dark emerald green, but the question is where does the nitrate go?

Will this solution cause the gold to dissolve in the cell as well as the copper?

If it's not viable, I'll just drop the copper and send the left over liquid to Safety Kleen with the rest of my wastes.

Thank you in advance.
your solution would contain copper, nitrates, and chlorides, basically a form of aqua regia loaded with copper and any other base metals you dissolved in the original solution, the nitrates can be evaporated off as NOx gas, same as we do with aqua regia, you will lose some HCl in the evaporation, and so you may have been better to use that added HCl to make another batch of copper chloride and not use it in the copper nitrate solution.

you can save the copper nitrate to use in cell projects, or to dissolve base metals higher in series than copper,to make other copper compounds, or to make ntric acid with, or even use in recovery projects (if you understand the reactions involved).
A long while back Lazersteve outlined the process to recover the nitric acid for reuse. Search for his posts. The copper powder can then be used to make copper chloride.

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