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They are both garden chemicals and can be found at most garden supply houses or agricultural centers.

Bonide makes a 'nitrate of soda' that works well in the processes we use.

rkbassin said:
hey why do i get alot of gold flakes floating around?
You are cleary trying to dive head first without knowing what you are doing.
The most dangerous newb of all.......#5.One that starts the procedures without all of the materials,supplies,safety equipment,or knowledge of what to do with it.
I would strongly suggest you put a lid on that solution for a while.And do some serious research.
Add that one to the list EEthr!
yall people are just not helping thats the best yall can do stop what im doing and research more, ive read hoke triied my first test now everytime i ask a question yall people tell me to reserch more geez waste of my time i guess
rkbassin said:
yall people are just not helping thats the best yall can do stop what im doing and research more, ive read hoke triied my first test now everytime i ask a question yall people tell me to reserch more geez waste of my time i guess

Calm your attitude. Most of us understand your frustration but when you snap at people with an attitude you will get no where here. You question was answered.

Bonide is a manufacturer.

SMB & copperas are chemical names.
rkbassin said:
yall people are just not helping thats the best yall can do stop what im doing and research more, ive read hoke triied my first test now everytime i ask a question yall people tell me to reserch more geez waste of my time i guess
First of all,it's not "yall"'s me.You start pointing fingers at other members that did not come down on you and you will have much larger problems than "why do I have gold flakes floating".If you want to snap at me,then do it in a private message.I am a big boy with big shoulders I can take it.But for your information,me telling you to stop what you are doing and do more research IS my way of helping.Don't believe me? I can show you the scar on my foot to prove why you need to stop where you are.
I meant no personal attacks when I said what I did,but the question you asked is simple Gold Refining 101.Surface tension of the solution causes the gold flakes to float.And you being "equipped" is not the same as you know what you are doing.You must understand that if you,or anyone else here,causes some sort of catastrophic disaster from not knowing what they are doing,it could potentially affect almost every person on this forum.Chemicals could be harder to obtain,more and tighter laws could be passed to inhibit or prevent the purchase of some of the chemicals we utilize......Don't believe me? Ask one of the thousands of members that we have overseas how hard it is to get certain chemicals,or what the punishments are for aquiring or possessing certain chemicals.
Now if you want help,I am all for that.But DO NOT start coming down on the forum because I was a little harsh to you.I am sorry and I will try to walk a little softer with you for a while.But please don't mix anything until you are sure of what you are doing.If you have a personal question or comment directed at me,send me a PM and we'll go from there.
ok thank you i just need to stop regroup and go from there im not meaning any yelling or harsh words so im very sorry
Copperas (ferrous sulfate) is easily made. Use about 10% sulfuric acid (diluted battery acid will do (remember always add sulfuric acid to water,
And never add water to sulfuric DANGEROUS),
Iron from old transformers it is soft fairly pure Iron, (I cut to small pieces and burn off any coating), the green ferrous sulfate can be crystallized by evaporation, if storing crystals keep them slightly acidic and a small piece of metal iron in them to keep them fresh and green, store in air tight container, the ferrous sulfate crystals will only work if they are green and will not work if they oxidized brown,

Ferrous sulfate can be used to detect gold in solution (copper in solution can mask color change; this is not as sensitive as a stannous chloride test to gold so in some instances I prefer to use it for this reason.

Ferrous sulfate will precipitate gold from solution (again copper in volume can cause a lot of problems and even keep gold from precipitating).

bonide tree stump remover (sodium metabisulfite)
I've got to the stage of having my fume hood in operation and starting to do some chemistry to get the methods right.

As I picked up some electroless silver plating solution (with no chem data on the label, just "poison" and a skull and crossbones) from a jewelry supply store, I made some Ferrous Sulphate up because you can use to to test for cyanide in a solution.

I used steel filings (rather than iron filings) that were free - I scraped them up from my metal cut-off saw in the workshop. Just had to filter out the carbon after the acid did it's job.

Took a drop of the plating solution, dropped a crystal of ferrous sulphate into it, then a drop of dilute hcl to acidify and BAM! There's the prussian blue, and yes this stuff had cyanide in it.

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