Craigslist question

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2012
On Craigslist it looks like I must search only one area at a time. Is there a way to search the entire country for a particular item?

Has anyone came up with a 'crawler' that will go around searching all areas?

mikeinkaty said:
On Craigslist it looks like I must search only one area at a time. Is there a way to search the entire country for a particular item?

Has anyone came up with a 'crawler' that will go around searching all areas?


I pretty much ignore any requests from out of state on Craigslist because of scams, and feel that most people do the same. Dealing locally and in person is the plus to Craigslist. I have sold some stuff to get sent out of state, but told the buyer I want a USPS money order sent first. I don't know if I would do the same as a buyer, especially with a large amount of money.

I use SearchTempest dot com, thought everyone knew about it.
Go to google, do an advanced search (google it to find it), then for the site, type in and then enter your search string. It will search all craigslist. :)

But yea, like Jim said, most people ignore out of state requests.


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