darshevo said:
Both are in impeccable shape and kept sharp. Even after a full day of processing wire I don't have any hand troubles. If you are using a smaller pair of wire cutters or an import or low quality cutter your hand are doing the work that your tool should be doing
That's the key - your high school shop teacher was right! :lol: You'd be amazed at how many people don't bother to sharpen cutting tools, then wind up injuring themselves from having to use too much force.
I have nerve damage, not from repetitive work with my hands, but rather from bone spurs on my spine from osteoarthritis. Believe me, when a cervical nerve (C-5 & 6 - thumb, index finger, middle finger; C-7/8 - the other two) is irritated from poor work posture, overuse, or a bulging disc, it can mimic carpal tunnel, rotator cuff, & ulnar nerve problems. Probably 1/3 of the carpal tunnel surgeries "fail" or "recur" because the problem originates in the cervical vertabrae, not where the pain manifests.
I'm not a Dr. so please check with yours before you try my advice.
You've inflamed the nerves from overuse, like BR007 said.
If you're not on blood thinners or have ulcers, 800 mg. Ibuprofen (4 of the over the counter tabs) will usually take care of the inflammation in a few days. if you can make it thru the day without, fine, but all NSAIDS, OTC & prescription, work better once you've reached a certain serum level. You achieve this by taking the therapeutic dose (600 - 800 mg) regularly for 2 or 3 days. The OTC dosage (400 mg - 2 tabs) listed is fine for tension headaches or PMS, but not for serious inflammation.
$0.96/per lb ??!! are you stripping the wires? that's good.