Desperate need of help

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Apr 13, 2021
Ontario California
I have a batch of RAM fingers that has turned from a root beer color to a orange color . And one jar that bright yellow which I was hoping to have success from but nothing . Can anyone help please?
Hi Joey909. Welcome to the forum.
Give us more info please.
What did you put the fingers in? AP?
How did you make it?
Can you post a picture?

I’m using muriatic acid and peroxide . Then muriatic acid and bleach . But when it comes to filtering and dropping the gold something always goes awry. I’ll post a picture ASAP
[img[/img] here’s what I have.


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  • 1B2D02DB-5542-4D01-BE38-7829A9A1C4A6.jpeg
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I'm sorry that I'm not a mind reader. What I'm seeing is two jars with colored liquid.

Give us details, step by step what you did. amounts, volumes, time... and so on. The more detailed the higher chance we can help you.

Have you done any stannous tests, and if you haven't done it, why not?

HCL with H2O2 dissolves gold.
CuCl2 (also called Acid Peroxide)is what etches the base metals from underneath the gold to release it from the fingers.
Air bubbled through and occasional HCL additions is what keeps the solution active.
A touch of H2O2 is used to oxidize the first copper atoms to get the reaction started.
How much H2O2 did you use?
You may have dissolved part of your gold in the first process.
Take the filtered HCL + H2O2 solution and put in a clean piece of copper to see if any precious metals are in solution. If so, cement it out on copper or use a reagent like ferrous sulfate or SMB.
Further refining will be neccessary.

What exactly goes wrong when you [stt]cement[/stt]? (Edit: precipitate)

The AP solution should be a nice green color, turning darker as more CuCl1 is no longer converted to CuCl2. Thats the time to add a bit HCL.

Do you see al lot of clean foils floating around or is there brown mud in the AP?

I’ve done standouts itcomes back positive and the stuff at bottom of jar is mostly grey . I do have some foils . I think I used too much bleach and smb . I guess most of my solution is probably ruined.
Joey909 said:
I "GUESS" most of my solution is probably ruined.

That would be the main issue. You are guessing instead of being patient and learning before you leap.

Nothing is lost. You generally will only lose gold if you throw it away. Just slow down. Be patient. This isn't that difficult if you take time to learn. Answer the questions asked of you IN DETAIL and you will get help.

Start from the beginning and end at where you are now.
Echoing other comments, we need every detail, regardless of how small or inconsequential you may believe it is. It would also be helpful to know just where you got the information that got you into such a mess. Both can be helpful in sorting out this mess. Be patient. You are not likely to learn how to clean up your mess until you learn how to do several procedures correctly.

Finally, read Hoke. Refining Precious Metal Wastes is still the best primer you can get. Over 70 years old, the acquaintance experiments are just as valid today as in 1940. Many safety procedures have changed, but the language and basics are still there. Read it. Read it again. Read it again and make notes. You can find links to a few different formats in FrugalRefiners signature line.

Time for more coffee.

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