Discovery of S Asteroid meteorite and fossils with proof of intelligent life

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Jun 8, 2019
If there is anyone interested in my discoveries I will absolutely blow your minds. Our government is avoiding me as it would be to much of a sudden shock to our society and cant deal with that. The things I discovered are too many to important not to let those whom care have the opportunity to observe. One example the saber tooth tiger. You now know they were jet black with yellow stripes absolutely beautiful if you care to know how I know this please ask.
Newageartifacthuntet said:
One example the saber tooth tiger. You now know they were jet black with yellow stripes absolutely beautiful if you care to know how I know this please ask.
Sure, why not? How do you know?

I can't believe jon isn't all over this - global moderation and all -- others need to keep this thread alive for a few days anyhow

the remains in the asteroid have to be billions of years old, wonder if it contains tantalum?
nickvc said:
And this has what to do with precious metal refining :shock:

The best I can figure, it was a good laugh while tearing down the three pounds of gold filled I picked up today. I really needed the break as my fingers were near shot at the time. Other than that, I have no clue.... :lol: :lol:
Come on guys, at least give the thread a day or two for people to have fun. Then I'll move it to the Rogues Gallery. When people provide contact information in posts like this, we preserve them in the Gallery so that people doing Google searches might find these threads and be warned that all might not be well.

Newageartifacthuntet said:
If there is anyone interested in my discoveries I will absolutely blow your minds. Our government is avoiding me as it would be to much of a sudden shock to our society and cant deal with that. The things I discovered are too many to important not to let those whom care have the opportunity to observe. One example the saber tooth tiger. You now know they were jet black with yellow stripes absolutely beautiful if you care to know how I know this please ask.

Who cares about tigers...Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes?!!!

Respond quickly before (((lizard people))) take this down!
FrugalRefiner said:
Come on guys, at least give the thread a day or two for people to have fun. Then I'll move it to the Rogues Gallery. When people provide contact information in posts like this, we preserve them in the Gallery so that people doing Google searches might find these threads and be warned that all might not be well.


I'm genuinely not being a douche here Dave, however I think we have differing definitions of fun. Leaving it here so people can "have fun" is similar to bear baiting or all the worst kinds of pointless ridicule that we tell our kids not to do. We should be better than that. 8) 8)

Oh c'mon Jon, alive, active forum means so much more than just best dead library on the internets... I agree this maybe isn't the healthiest sort of fun but if anyone's asking for it- it's this guy ;), as you already noticed- he begun laying some groundwork for a scam in his other thread here....
I do not see it as ridicule the way I see it is as exposure, we push the ban button on many of these characters, some we try to expose more before banning, the gallery is used to be a record some of these, which may help others from being taken, there are a lot of vultures out there in this business, exposing them may help others from being taken to the bank by their gold fever.
Hello everyone and thank you for your replies. I am on an island in the field so service is not good but I go to town for supplies I will answer your questions best I can. To Dave first how do i know this ore was asteroid delivered, the rocks i have are loaded with life forms. They also have writing on the rocks I would love to share with everyone. The amazing thing is almost all are bracing for some kind of disaster. I know you all think I am nuts but I assure you I am very sane and very intelligent. Not all of the ore has life forms and some are so damaged by the impact it doesnt matter so those are the ones I am crushing to smelt. The reason I am on here telling all of you this is I need help smelting see I have never done smelting before and I am having trouble as after the smelt with straight borax the foil doesnt melt to a button it stays flake and all over the pour and this is exciting. To the person that said to avoid me I am not out to hurt anyone I am an honest man who didnt ask for this. My friend was an alcoholic so I bought a metal detector trying to get him off the couch 4 yrs ago he went once back to the couch a bottle a day. So I just went myself found the rocks triggered off my detector sent samples out snd I am here today. Iy seems everyone is negative i am offering anyone a chance to see for themselves I am not asking for anything. So if you all will excuse me I have work to do if anyone would like to know more I left my number. Oh and to the person on the saber tooth tiger in quartz I have a perfect microscopic sabertooth tiger running it is black with yellow strips I was in awe and still am. See when this thing hit it petrified things instantly preserved so well some specimens look as if they are still alive. Theres drawings carvings images and scenes of another life. So please no negativity I am not out to hurt anyone
This doesn't make any sense.

Btw, I'm an expert on meteorites.

Show me the evidence of your claims. To get support from people on this forum, evidence is needed.

On your other thread, I asked what the assay showed. The same principle applies here. Without evidence, you just have stories and fantasies.

Time for more coffee.

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