Not to be a jerk or anything but the super duper depleting cell does not do to well for me. I made the copper basket and my battery chargers am meter stays paged and over heats at 6 volts 10 amps manual setting some gold depletes but the copper basket completely gets eaten away. It’s almost like I might as well clamp the negative and positive leads together. That is how it acts as long as there is any kind of metal dipped in the sulfuric/glycerin electrolyte. I have tried to deplete single items on the end of an alligator clip and the am meter still pegs until all gold plate, and base metal is gone. I connect my negative lead to the lead and positive lead to the depleting material. It must be the Colorado altitude or just me I guess. I was under the impression that the am meter drops as the gold depletes leaving the base metal to disguard. ..THX..<*\\\><..TOM