Dissolve trivalent gold in ammonium sulfite

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Apr 24, 2022

I’ve read a few patents about creating a gold electrolyte by dissolving trivalent gold in ammonium sulfite aq. In my personal tests the gold fulminate (trivalent gold) does not readily dissolve in solution. According to the patents this reaction could happen at room temp, but in my own experience even with mild heat and adding some sulfuric acid there still is not much dissolution of the fulminate.

On the last run I finally dissolved the fulminate using hcl and recovered about 95% of the gold I started with instead of ending up in the electrolyte.

Does anyone have any thoughts on why this isn’t working and or how to get this to work?

Best regards
I found this recipe
100g triammonium citrate
25g KAuCl4
68.5g Na2SO3
Water to 1 liter
Resulting pH 5.5
That’s interesting because it shows the resulting fulminate from the chloric acid going dissolving in the sodium sulfite solution. Does it mention if heat was needed at that step. There are two pathways for gold sulfite solutions - ammonia and sodium. The sodium solutions run acidic vs the ammonium ones run basic. I haven’t tried a sodium run yet though it’s much easier to get the chemicals. Thanks for the reply

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