Does anyone know what these are?

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Looks like a solution of Potassium Gold Cyanide. Typically used in Gold cyanide plating baths. Also called PGC for short.

Easy to recover the Gold from the solution. I can post a recovery method if you need it.
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so there both the same?
To be sure I would call the phone number on the bottle. I know that brand new PGC solution is straw yellow in color and remains that way when it is functioning as a plating bath. You could also ask them about the color. It may be normal for that product but they will know.

Recovering Gold from potassium or sodium gold cyanide

Required supplies and equipment

Zinc dust 325 mesh is commonly available. Make sure the powder is pure zinc with no declumping chemicals added. (cab-o-sil)

A slab of zinc metal with a hole drilled in the top edge so it can be tied and hung in a bucket of solution.

Sodium hydroxide, either flake or as 50% caustic liquid

Sodium or Potassium cyanide

pH papers or a pH meter

A strong propeller driven mixer

  • If the salts are in powder form they must be dissolved in warm water, if they are in the form of a solution and any salts have dropped out, heat the solution to assure all of the crytstallization has dissolved, if necessary add water.
  • Allow the solution to cool to room temperature.
  • Check the pH, if it is below 12, raise it with sodium hydroxide, try not to add too much sodium hydroxide, it shouldn’t take a lot to get the solution to pH 12.
  • Add 5 grams per liter of solution of either sodium or potassium cyanide. This makes the dropping of the gold easier and more complete.
  • While stirring, slowly add powdered zinc dust. If the zinc dust has clumped up due to humidity, sift it through a flour sifter before adding it. Clumped up zinc dust causes you to use too much and is just a waste. A rule of thumb is one gram of zinc dust for every gram of gold expected. When you first add the zinc dust, you will notice the dark gray zinc dust will appear brown in color. That is because the original addition immediately displaces gold which accounts for the color. Add until all of the precipitate brought up from stirring is gray in color.
  • Hang a bar of zinc metal in the solution and allow it to settle overnight. The zinc will both drop any minute quantities that may still be in solution and prevent the re-dissolution of any precipitated gold.
  • Decant the clear solution and filter the balance to collect the solids.
  • Rinse the collected solids several times with hot water. This is to remove the cyanide from the solids. Collect the rinses and put them with the solution collected earlier.
  • While a hood is not necessary for the first steps, it doesn’t hurt. The following steps however, MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN A FUME HOOD!
  • Add a small amount of nitric acid, it will react quickly and agressively. When the reaction dies down, stir the solution and add another small portion of nitric acid. Stir and repeat until there is no longer any reaction when nitric acid is added.
  • Filter the solution and save the insoluble gold residue. This gold should be refined in aqua regia.

EPA regulations today make production processes using cyanide difficult. For refiners processing small lots of gold salts as outlined above, the cyanide solution can pose a problem if allowed to mix with your standard waste stream. Fortunately, cyanide breaks down completely with the heat of incineration. The best way to treat the liquid from which the gold was removed by cementation with zinc is to pour it into an absorbant lot of house sweeps just as it is going into incineration. The resultant incinerated solid will bear no traces of the cyanide after incineration temperatures are reached.

Housekeeping procedures for Cyanide use
  • Wear gloves whenever handling cyanide salts or solutions. Wash your hands when done handling the material. If you feel a slippery feeling on your skin when you remove the gloves you likely got some cyanide on your skin. It won’t kill you but wash your hands well with soap. A little vinegar will neuralize the slippery feel if soap is not successful.
  • Obtain a small quantity of either potassium or sodium cyanide powder. Store it in a plastic bag inside a tight sealing container. Label the container clearly.
  • Do not store the cyanide near any acid. Generally the cyanide is used infrequently and is best stored away from the acid processing area.
  • Weigh out the required quantity of the cyanide in a clean tared beaker without bringing the container into the acid processing area. Be careful to avoid spilling any powder and if it is spilled sweep it up dry and wipe up with a damp cloth with bleached water and dry the area.
  • Clean out the hood of any standing acid when preparing to process cyanide gold salts.
  • Maintain an alkaline pH in all solutions involving cyanide to prevent generating cyanide gas.
  • Incinerate the waste liquid or any cloths used from cleaning up spills as detailed above.
  • Cyanide is still widely used by electroplaters and refiners and it is perfectly safe if handled properly and with respect.
I called as you suggested, unfortunately the guy died a few years ago, should I have a sample sent somewhere to find out for sure what it is? If so do you know of any place I’m in Florida if anyone knows of where I could send or take it too?
This is a big payday (for somebody else not you) did you intend to recover the gold yourself and do you have any kind of experience handling chemicals? Bringing something like this, which you admittedly know little about, to an unscrupulous refiner may end up costing you money and you may be giving away an ounce or so of gold. Do you have any way of determining the pH of the liquid?
To answer your question - based on the labels, it appears the contents of the 2 bottles are NOT the same. One or both may be very harmful to your health.
Alkaline, weighs heavily in favor of a cyanide solution like the name implies. You have said nothing about how you came to have these solutions. Maybe some details will shed light on what to expect.

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