Jmk88 said:
Dear All,
Does anyone know whether dissolving filter papers in AR will result in losing gold?
IMO - yes - at least to some degree
Why ? --- because after you have dissolved the filter paper(s) you still have to filter "that" solution & no matter how much you wash the filter there is "ALWAYS" at the very least a "trace" of gold chloride that stays trapped in the filter
How much (gold chloride) remains trapped is of course a question of how well you wash the filter - but - you "NEVER" get it all out
So there is "always" at least a trace loss in the task of filtering
So if you dissolve a filter in AR you gain what was lost in that filter - but still have a loss to the next filter - so at least to a point you are just trading one gain for the next loss
And that is fine if you are only producing "a few" filters (say 3 - 5) at a time & recycle (dissolve) those "few" filters as you go (Dissolve those few filters from the previous batch(s) when you do the next batch)
That said - IMO - you are better served to save your filters until you have enough to be worth while processing as I posted here ------------
Incinerated filters and PM salts recovery
When I was refining full time I was producing 10 - 15 filters per day - the filters went into a 5 gallon bucket (lined with a trash bag) when the bucket was full I pulled the bag - when I had 2 - 3 or 4 bags I processed the bags as instructed in the link (meaning the bags got ashed along with the filters)
Think of it this way --- saving your filters & processing by ashing them when you have enough of them - is like a savings account in the bank :mrgreen: