Final wash and refine.

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2014
So i have been just collecting all the powder after the first drop and putting it into a container and was going to do final wash & drop after collecting enough to do it all together. i didnt think i had accumulated all that much, was just adding a few grams here & there
Well i finally weighed it and now have over 16 ounces of powder. I think i waiting too long.
So should i do this in small batches? are there pros & cons of large or small batches?
This forum and members are great. Since i couldnt get out to prospect in the yukon this forum provided the next best thing.
Thanks again
Well that's a nice problem to have! :shock:

There's no reason you couldn't do it all together. You would just need to have beakers large enough to comfortably contain the powder and solutions. That said, if you haven't really done it before, it might be wise to break it up into at least two batches. I might suggest a 5 ozt batch to start, then the rest in a second batch.

Be sure to post some nice pictures of the melted bar(s)!
goldscraphobby said:
So i have been just collecting all the powder after the first drop and putting it into a container and was going to do final wash & drop after collecting enough to do it all together.

You say a "final wash & drop". Do you mean a second refine and drop, or are you just talking about washing?

Since this is all from a first refine, it's the perfect time do do a second refine while it's all in powder form as it will dissolve easily.

I would agree with MGH that I would divide it into a couple of batches. Do a small batch first to get the feel for dissolving powder on a second refine and drop. Then do the rest. Be sure to use a large container for the bulk dissolve as powders can react very fast and you could end up with a runaway reaction. Use a secondary container to catch it if it gets away from you.

I too will look forward to pictures.

Dave I believe he intends to refine it a second time, at least thats how I understood it.

Be careful when doing the drop when you get a more concentrated liquor the addition of your precipitant will be more violent than you are used to so do it slowly at first with plenty of space between the level of liquid and the top of the beaker.
Dave’s advice is spot on, I’d try 1/2 oz first to get the feel of the process and do as advised and use a large vessel for the large lot, there is also the benefit of doing larger lots as the percentage losses are much smaller, admittedly those losses should be recoverable at some point but why tie up more values than necessary.

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