Finally Starting SLOWLY

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Active member
Jun 19, 2011
Here is my condensed plan for starting out.....

1) Get E-Scrap (which have been doing)
2) Get making Sodium Nitrate Down (From Nurde rage You Tube)
3) Make Own Nitric Acid
4) Process all scrap little by little in Nitric Bath ( Yes I know should incinerate but no way to properly)
5) Read over notes, Read over Hoke Again, ask questions at each step.
6 Start with little batches of scrap in AR at a time (Yes and test for PM's)

If I meet my goals I should have my first nugget around August 20-30

Is there anything I left out? Should expand on? I am not even going to start until I know I got it all down.

I can't think but of one or two times i have had to use nitric while processing e scrap. A.P. is your friend. 8) AR with e scrap usually winds up creating more of a problem than it's worth. Selective removal of your metals before you nuke everything is your best option. That's what A.P. does. But then again i don't know what all type of materials you will be processing.
That is in there as

cjfeath said:
6 Start with little batches of scrap in AR at a time (Yes and test for PM's)

I honestly had a brain fart and forgot how to spell stannous

But thank you

Palladium said:
I can't think but of one or two times i have had to use nitric while processing e scrap. A.P. is your friend. 8) AR with e scrap usually winds up creating more of a problem than it's worth. Selective removal of your metals before you nuke everything is your best option. That's what A.P. does. But then again i don't know what all type of materials you will be processing.

ok Thanks for your input... I will read up more on the AP... I was under the impression that the Nitric bath was the best option.

As for what I have right now is
Over 90 processors
Over a pound of pins From Mother Boards
A Few Fingers From Ram and Cards

I will be doing in like groups so I can in detail put Data for each. (example: Cyrix 486, Intel 486 ect.)
Don't get me wrong, you can use nitric to remove the base metals. Some people do it that way. But nitric is not cheap compared to the amount it takes to dissolve copper. Then you have safety issues ( being a newbie ), disposal issues, and the red cloud of death that comes from nitric. Even if you make it from scratch i still don't like to use it unless i have to. That's just me though. A.P. serves the same purpose when dealing with escrap as far as i'm concerned. It might take a little longer, but the system works so much better for me. Now if you’re in a hurry you can nuke it with nitric, but i like slow and easy myself.

You can get a 5 gallon bucket, a gallon of hcl, a quart of h2o2, and a air bubbler for less than $20 and you’re in business.
Palladium said:
I can't think but of one or two times i have had to use nitric while processing e scrap. A.P. is your friend. 8) AR with e scrap usually winds up creating more of a problem than it's worth. Selective removal of your metals before you nuke everything is your best option. That's what A.P. does. But then again i don't know what all type of materials you will be processing.
He intends to eliminate base metals with nitric, so he's not overlooking that step (much to his credit).

I would suggest to him that if he intends to bypass incineration, that he should make some attempt at incinerating the resulting solids, along with the filter in which they are recovered. They would respond very well to a wash in hot HCl afterwards, which can do wonders for filtration of the pregnant solution prior to precipitation.


Note that I read the following comments by Palladium---and understand his concern. 8)
Thank you Harold. I took the summer off from school so I had plenty of time to read, Study, and learn. I am far from being an expert I know I will make mistakes, but i am eliminating the BIG mistakes by taking this time to learn. I have learned a lot from all of you and I am very greatful and I know I have a lot more to learn.

Harold_V said:
Palladium said:
I can't think but of one or two times i have had to use nitric while processing e scrap. A.P. is your friend. 8) AR with e scrap usually winds up creating more of a problem than it's worth. Selective removal of your metals before you nuke everything is your best option. That's what A.P. does. But then again i don't know what all type of materials you will be processing.
He intends to eliminate base metals with nitric, so he's not overlooking that step (much to his credit).

Could he attempt to remove base metals with a HCL bath instead of a costly nitric bath?
With Electronic scrap, skipping inceneration would be like riding a bycycle with no legs, especially if you are talking about using nitric acid.

Do Hoke's getting aquainted expieriments, pay close attention to the one on tin.
Cheap hand held propane torch and a stainless steel pan (I use corning ware instead of stainless steel) surely you could get those to incenerate your material (I also use a hot plate or burner, and it is a main component in my processing).
rasanders22 said:
Harold_V said:
Palladium said:
I can't think but of one or two times i have had to use nitric while processing e scrap. A.P. is your friend. 8) AR with e scrap usually winds up creating more of a problem than it's worth. Selective removal of your metals before you nuke everything is your best option. That's what A.P. does. But then again i don't know what all type of materials you will be processing.
He intends to eliminate base metals with nitric, so he's not overlooking that step (much to his credit).
Could he attempt to remove base metals with a HCL bath instead of a costly nitric bath?
Yes, he can use the AP process, as Palladium suggested. Nitric is the way to go, but with the cost, it tends to fall way behind. It's faster and more positive in nature---works a treat. Just expensive. And----it's hard to argue with the big red cloud. It can be very obnoxious.


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