fingers and pins

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
i have a small amount of fingers i got from lazersteves technique and now i have a another small amount of pins and powder from green cpu`s from torching the pins off and boiling them in hcl, i was wondering if i could process both of these together or if i keep processing them apart :?:
My approach would be to recover the two 'lots' of gold separately then combine the recovered gold for refining.
Just my 2 pence worth, would be interesting to hear other members approach.
in AP? pins and fingers can be processed together. i process whole boards at one time that have gold traces and gold plated pins. honestly if the pin is plated all the way to the end you may be leaving gold in the board if you cut the pins off even with the board.
no thats not what i'm asking, i don't think i explained myself right, i have the finger in a jar and pin from cpu's in another jar, both were processed differently, now i'm asking if i could combine the two to go into acid/clorox and drop the gold. the cpu's were fiber and the pins were magneticand potentialy still are magnetic
If the base metals are removed and all your dealing with is the foils from both processes then yes you can combine them for dissolution in hcl/clorox.

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