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Feb 25, 2011
starting by seperating matierals to be refined ie. CPUs, memory, pins, karat gold, and seperating each class in its own AR solution (4 parts hydrocloric / 1 part nitric) allowing to react for the duration of active acids with slight heat applied (just warm) upon compleation of reaction decanting liquid into another clean container not allowing any particulates to follow then adding warmed distilled water with urea mixture to acids to PH and neautralizing the nitric at which time a participant can be added untill thereis no longer any fizzle and a brown sludge forms and is allowed to settle at bottom after settleing, with gold detection liquid, check to see if any gold is still suspended and if so, warm and add more participant.
Decant liquid and wassh with ammonia and distiled water, several flushings, pour off liquid through filter and powder in crucible along with flux and torch to a liquid state and pour to shot or inget

I know i did'nt add all the measurments due in part that they will change with each varrying size of batch refined.

This is my first attempt and would like any feedback from the forum.

Thank You, jpnuke33
You need to go back and do some more studying before starting.
You want to get rid of base metals first, you won't do that going
straight to AR. And your gold could get mixed up or lost with the
trash. Studying until you have it right and starting with one type
of scrap would be a good idea. As well as taking your time.

on completion of reaction add 5 to 10 ml sulphuric acid before decanting/filteration.this will decompose nitric acid and remove any unwanted lead etc .precipitate values from filterate
jpnuke33 said:
starting by seperating matierals to be refined ie. CPUs, memory, pins, karat gold, and seperating each class in its own AR solution (4 parts hydrocloric / 1 part nitric) allowing to react for the duration of active acids with slight heat applied (just warm) upon compleation of reaction decanting liquid into another clean container not allowing any particulates to follow then adding warmed distilled water with urea mixture to acids to PH and neautralizing the nitric at which time a participant can be added untill thereis no longer any fizzle and a brown sludge forms and is allowed to settle at bottom after settleing, with gold detection liquid, check to see if any gold is still suspended and if so, warm and add more participant.
Decant liquid and wassh with ammonia and distiled water, several flushings, pour off liquid through filter and powder in crucible along with flux and torch to a liquid state and pour to shot or inget

I know i did'nt add all the measurments due in part that they will change with each varrying size of batch refined.

This is my first attempt and would like any feedback from the forum.

Thank You, jpnuke33

I would comment if I may.
As Jim said AR is not magic solution for refining everything. It is good you separated your material and not processed that all together. Key as why we separate is that we use different method of extraction for various materials involved. As you did everything in AR, why did you separate and not process in one bucket? You see?
Separating is good for taking notes for future reference, control and mainly for doing different materials with proper technique.

When you typing try to break up text in few sentences as it is hard to read it. Some members use translators and this forum provides you with spell checker it means that if you type word with mistake it gets underlined in red. Right click and you get to choose from options where you find the right word. This is useful mainly for non English speaking members who use online translators not to get nonsense when translator cant find misspelled word. I don't teach English and my use of this language is not perfect too, but that is why I found spell-check very useful.

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