Flotation for black sands

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Aug 12, 2021
Does any body know who sells flotation reagents for the processing of black sands? The sands are a mix of ultra fine Au and pyrite containing Au, and predominantly magnetite. Good liberation point of 150 mesh would capture a good percentage of the Au and Ag. If any body knows of an environmentally friendly group to condition, float, and collect, please let me know. Is Pine oil still an acceptable float reagent? Seems like that would be the most environmentally friendly solution.Float Au and pyrite all at once, or would they need separate reagents. I haven't seen any updated catalogs since American Cyanamid went South.
Conditioning: 0.5% H2O2. Flotation of PMs : xanthate family, e.g PAX. Frother: glycol ether, e.g. PGME. Hope that helps
Try Solvay. Wego Chemical Group Inc · Orica USA Inc. · Clariant Corporation · Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Note that PAX is discouraged for environmental reasons even though it is probably the best all round collector.
Ring a local distributor of the above companies rather than head offices, you want to talk to someone who will be sympathetic to your questions, probably not going to happen at head office.

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